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Last active October 6, 2024 16:24
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  • Save TomZhuPlanetart/69318f9f527d6a3564e4829a9289960d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PHP Coroutine implementation with generator
enum PullStatus {
class Future {
private $callbacks = [];
private $status = PullStatus::PENDING;
private $value = null;
private ?Closure $next;
public function __construct(private Generator|Closure $generator)
$this->next = $this->startup(...);
protected function startup()
if ($this->generator instanceof Closure) {
$returnValue = call_user_func($this->generator);
if ($returnValue instanceof Generator) {
$this->generator = $returnValue;
if ($this->generator instanceof Generator) {
return $this->generator->current();
} else {
$this->status = PullStatus::RESOLVED;
$this->value = $this->generator;
return null;
public function then(callable $callback)
if ($this->status === PullStatus::RESOLVED) {
} else {
$this->callbacks[] = $callback;
protected function invokeCallbacks($value)
foreach ($this->callbacks as $callback) {
$this->callbacks = [];
protected function callNext()
try {
return call_user_func($this->next);
} finally {
$this->next = null;
protected function resume($v = null)
try {
return $this->generator->send($v);
} finally {
if (!$this->generator->valid()) {
$this->status = PullStatus::RESOLVED;
$this->value = $this->generator->getReturn();
protected function toFeature($v)
if ($v instanceof Generator) {
$v = new Future($v);
if (!($v instanceof Future)) {
$v = new Future(function () use ($v) {
return $v;
return $v;
public function pull(Closure $wake)
if (!$this->next) {
return ;
$n = $this->callNext();
if ($this->status === PullStatus::RESOLVED) {
return ;
$n = $this->toFeature($n);
$n->then(function ($v) use ($wake) {
$this->next = function() use ($v) {
return $this->resume($v);
class WaitAllFuture extends Future {
private $futures = [];
private $bind = false;
private $result = [];
public function __construct(...$futures)
$this->futures = array_map($this->toFeature(...), $futures);
public function pull(Closure $wake)
if ($this->bind) {
if (count($this->result) === count($this->futures)) {
return ;
$this->bind = true;
foreach ($this->futures as $i => $future) {
$future->then(function($v) use ($wake, $i) {
$this->result[$i] = $v;
class Executor {
private $queue ;
public function __construct()
$this->queue = new SplQueue();
private function enqueue($future)
if ($future instanceof Closure) {
$future = new Future($future);
public function go(callable $task)
* Run the executor until all futures are resolved
public function run()
$wake = $this->enqueue(...);
while (!$this->queue->isEmpty()) {
$future = $this->queue->dequeue();
function waitAll(...$futures)
return new WaitAllFuture(...$futures);
// -----------Userland code------------
function async_main()
echo "Start async main\n";
yield waitAll(
echo "All tasks are done\n";
function task($name)
foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
$filename = "file$i.txt";
// invoke nested async function
// use yield to wait for the result, like the await keyword in other languages.
$content = yield ioTask($filename);
echo "{$name}: content {$filename}: {$content}\n";
function sysCall($act)
yield "sysCall $act\n";
function ioTask($filename)
// echo "reading $filename\n";
// call nested async function, use yield to wait for the result
yield sysCall("init syscall $filename");
return "$filename content";
$executor = new Executor();
Start async main
task1: content file1.txt: file1.txt content
task2: content file1.txt: file1.txt content
task3: content file1.txt: file1.txt content
task1: content file2.txt: file2.txt content
task2: content file2.txt: file2.txt content
task3: content file2.txt: file2.txt content
task1: content file3.txt: file3.txt content
task2: content file3.txt: file3.txt content
task3: content file3.txt: file3.txt content
task1: content file4.txt: file4.txt content
task2: content file4.txt: file4.txt content
task3: content file4.txt: file4.txt content
task1: content file5.txt: file5.txt content
task2: content file5.txt: file5.txt content
task3: content file5.txt: file5.txt content
task1: content file6.txt: file6.txt content
task2: content file6.txt: file6.txt content
task3: content file6.txt: file6.txt content
task1: content file7.txt: file7.txt content
task2: content file7.txt: file7.txt content
task3: content file7.txt: file7.txt content
task1: content file8.txt: file8.txt content
task2: content file8.txt: file8.txt content
task3: content file8.txt: file8.txt content
task1: content file9.txt: file9.txt content
task2: content file9.txt: file9.txt content
task3: content file9.txt: file9.txt content
task1: content file10.txt: file10.txt content
task2: content file10.txt: file10.txt content
task3: content file10.txt: file10.txt content
All tasks are done
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