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Last active October 7, 2022 16:01
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Implementing Routine with Fiber && Event
* User: Tom.Zhu<[email protected]>
* Date: 2022/9/28
* Time: 22:13
class FiberFactory
private static WeakMap $weakMap;
public static function createFiber(Closure $closure, Routine $routine) : Fiber
if (!isset(self::$weakMap)) {
self::$weakMap = new WeakMap();
$fiber = new Fiber($closure);
self::$weakMap[$fiber] = $routine;
return $fiber;
public static function getRoutine(?Fiber $fiber) : ?Routine
return $fiber ? self::$weakMap[$fiber] : null;
class Routine
private static $i = 0;
private $rid;
private $fiber;
public function __construct(Closure $routine)
$this->rid = ++self::$i;
$this->fiber = FiberFactory::createFiber($routine, $this);
public function start()
return $this;
public function resume()
if (!$this->fiber->isStarted()) {
return ;
if ($this->fiber->isSuspended()) {
public static function current() : ?Routine
if (empty($fiber = Fiber::getCurrent())) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("Your are not in a routine.");
return FiberFactory::getRoutine($fiber);
public function getRoutineId()
return $this->rid;
function go(Closure $closure)
return new Routine($closure);
function rSleep(float $duration): void
$routine = Routine::current();
Loop::getInstance()->addTimer($duration, function() use ($routine) {
function rFileGetContents(string $filename) : string|false
$routine = Routine::current();
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
stream_set_blocking($fp, false);
$callback = function() use ($routine) {
$content = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
Loop::getInstance()->addReadCallback($fp, $callback);
do {
$data = fread($fp, 1024);
$content .= $data;
} while (strlen($data) == 1024);
return $content;
enum LogLevel : string {
case DEBUG = 'DEBUG';
case INFO = 'INFO';
case ERROR = 'ERROR';
class Loop
private $loop;
private EventBase $eventBase;
private $eventStorage;
private function __construct()
$this->log("Creating event base", LogLevel::DEBUG);
$this->eventBase = new EventBase();
$this->eventStorage = new SplObjectStorage();
$this->loop = new SplQueue();
public function addTimer(float $duration, callable $callback) : int
$this->log("Adding timer $duration", LogLevel::DEBUG);
$ev = null;
$ev = Event::timer($this->eventBase, function() use ($callback, &$ev) {
}, null);
return 0;
public function addReadCallback($fp, $callback): void
$ev = null;
$ev = new Event($this->eventBase, $fp, Event::READ, function() use ($callback, &$ev) {
public function add(Routine $routine): static
return $this;
private function log(string $msg, LogLevel $level)
echo '[', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ']' , " ", "$msg\n";
private function loop()
while (true) {
while ($this->loop->count()) {
/** @var Routine $fiber */
$routine = $this->loop->dequeue();
$this->log("Running #{$routine->getRoutineId()}", LogLevel::DEBUG);
$this->log("Event Looping", LogLevel::DEBUG);
if (!$this->loop->count()) {
public function start()
private static Loop $instance;
public static function getInstance(): static
return self::$instance ?? self::$instance = new static();
$routine = function(){
$rid = Routine::current()->getRoutineId();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i ++) {
rSleep(mt_rand(100, 800) / 1000);
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Routine $rid $i\n";
$content = rFileGetContents("/Users/tom/Downloads/IMG_0666.MOV");
echo md5($content);
echo "loop ended";
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