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Created March 29, 2018 20:45
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My Edited Version of Casey Liss's Auto Tweet Posting in the Camel Blogging Engine
// Automatic posting to Twitter
function tweetLatestPost() {
if (twitterClient !== null && typeof(process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY) !== 'undefined') {
twitterClient.get('statuses/user_timeline', {screen_name: twitterUsername}, function (error, tweets) {
if (error) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2));
var lastUrl = null, i = 0;
while (lastUrl === null && i < tweets.length) {
if (tweets[i].source.has(twitterClientNeedle) &&
tweets[i].entities &&
tweets[i].entities.urls &&
tweets[i].entities.urls.length > 0) {
lastUrl = tweets[i].entities.urls[0].expanded_url;
} else {
i += 1;
allPostsSortedAndGrouped(function (postsByDay) {
// Defines the latest post
var latestPost = postsByDay[0].articles[0];
// Link for the Tweet
var link = latestPost.metadata.SiteRoot + latestPost.metadata.relativeLink;
// Prefix of the Tweet
if (latestPost.metadata.Link !== 'undefined') {
var prefix = '→ ';
} else {
var prefix = '🐺 ';
// Title/text for the Tweet
if (lastUrl !== link) {
console.log('Tweeting new link: ' + link);
// Figure out how many characters we have to play with.
// Aka: what should comprise the tweet?
twitterClient.get('help/configuration', function (error, configuration, response) {
// Image for the Tweet
// This assumes that every `Image:` will be a self-hosted one
var image = latestPost.metadata.SiteRoot + latestPost.metadata.Image;
// I didn't want a new line after the title
// var suffix = " \n\n";
var suffix = " ";
// The 140 --> 280 change happened sometime in 2017 I think
var maxSize = 240 - configuration.short_url_length_https - prefix.length - suffix.length - image.length;
// Shorten the title if need be.
var title = latestPost.metadata.Title;
if (title.length > maxSize) {
title = title.substring(0, maxSize - 3) + '...' + ' ';
var params = {
status: prefix + title + link + suffix + image
};'statuses/update', params, function (error, tweet, response) {
if (error) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2));
} else {
console.log('Twitter is up to date.');
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