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Last active May 31, 2024 13:19
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  • Save TonioGela/c0baef2873ef4ddbe5e10b88a4a636e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TonioGela/c0baef2873ef4ddbe5e10b88a4a636e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Just type `in 20m Have a pause and rest` (on MacOs) and in 20 minutes a reminder notification saying "Have a pause and rest" will appear
//> using scala 3.4.2
//> using platform native
//> using packaging.output in
//> using nativeMode release-full
//> using nativeLto full
//> using nativeGc none
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
@main def main(durationString: String, text: String, others: String*): Unit =
runDetach(parseDuration(durationString), (text :: others.toList).mkString(" ") )
def parseDuration(s:String): Duration =
def parse(cs:Array[Char], acc: Long, duration: Duration): Duration = cs.headOption.fold(duration){
case d if d.isDigit => parse(cs.tail, acc * 10 + d.asDigit, duration)
case 'h' => parse(cs.tail, 0, duration + Duration(acc, HOURS))
case 'm' => parse(cs.tail, 0, duration + Duration(acc, MINUTES))
case 's' => parse(cs.tail, 0, duration + Duration(acc, SECONDS))
case x => throw new Exception(s"Unrecognised token in duration $x")
parse(s.toCharArray(), 0L, Duration.Zero)
def runDetach(waitTime: Duration, message: String): Unit =
val command = s"""osascript -e "display notification \\"$message\\" with title \\"Reminder\\"""""
val processBuilder: ProcessBuilder =
new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", s"sleep ${waitTime.toSeconds} && $command")
val process: Process = processBuilder.start()
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