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Last active March 6, 2019 03:01
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Using this for Arduino sensor readings
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_AM2315.h>
This is an example for the AM2315 Humidity + Temp sensor
Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit BMP085 Breakout
These displays use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!
Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
// Connect RED of the AM2315 sensor to 5.0V
// Connect BLACK to Ground
// Connect WHITE to i2c clock - on '168/'328 Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/etc thats Analog 5
// Connect YELLOW to i2c data - on '168/'328 Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/etc thats Analog 4
Adafruit_AM2315 am2315;
void setup() {
Serial.println("AM2315 Test!");
if (! am2315.begin()) {
Serial.println("Sensor not found, check wiring & pullups!");
while (1);
void loop() {
Serial.print("Air Humidity: "); Serial.println(am2315.readHumidity());
Serial.print("Air Temperature: "); Serial.println(am2315.readTemperature());
//This code was written to be easy to understand.
//Modify this code as you see fit.
//This code will output data to the Arduino serial monitor.
//Type commands into the Arduino serial monitor to control the pH circuit.
//An Arduino UNO was used to test this code.
//This code was written in the Arduino 1.8.5 IDE
//This code was last tested 1/2018
#include <Wire.h> //enable I2C.
#define address 99 //default I2C ID number for EZO pH Circuit.
char computerdata[20]; //we make a 20 byte character array to hold incoming data from a pc/mac/other.
byte received_from_computer = 0; //we need to know how many characters have been received.
byte code = 0; //used to hold the I2C response code.
char ph_data[20]; //we make a 20-byte character array to hold incoming data from the pH circuit.
byte in_char = 0; //used as a 1 byte buffer to store inbound bytes from the pH Circuit.
byte i = 0; //counter used for ph_data array.
int time_ = 900; //used to change the delay needed depending on the command sent to the EZO Class pH Circuit.
float ph_float; //float var used to hold the float value of the pH.
void setup() //hardware initialization.
Serial.begin(9600); //enable serial port.
Wire.begin(); //enable I2C port.
void loop() { //the main loop.
if (Serial.available() > 0) { //if data is holding in the serial buffer
received_from_computer = Serial.readBytesUntil(13, computerdata, 20); //we read the data sent from the serial monitor(pc/mac/other) until we see a <CR>. We also count how many characters have been received.
computerdata[received_from_computer] = 0; //stop the buffer from transmitting leftovers or garbage.
computerdata[0] = tolower(computerdata[0]); //we make sure the first char in the string is lower case.
if (computerdata[0] == 'c' || computerdata[0] == 'r')time_ = 900; //if a command has been sent to calibrate or take a reading we wait 1800ms so that the circuit has time to take the reading.
else time_ = 300; //if any other command has been sent we wait only 300ms.
Wire.beginTransmission(address); //call the circuit by its ID number.
Wire.write(computerdata); //transmit the command that was sent through the serial port.
Wire.endTransmission(); //end the I2C data transmission.
if (strcmp(computerdata, "sleep") != 0) { //if the command that has been sent is NOT the sleep command, wait the correct amount of time and request data.
//if it is the sleep command, we do nothing. Issuing a sleep command and then requesting data will wake the pH circuit.
delay(time_); //wait the correct amount of time for the circuit to complete its instruction.
Wire.requestFrom(address, 20, 1); //call the circuit and request 20 bytes (this may be more than we need)
code =; //the first byte is the response code, we read this separately.
switch (code) { //switch case based on what the response code is.
case 1: //decimal 1.
Serial.println("Success"); //means the command was successful.
break; //exits the switch case.
case 2: //decimal 2.
Serial.println("Failed"); //means the command has failed.
break; //exits the switch case.
case 254: //decimal 254.
Serial.println("Pending"); //means the command has not yet been finished calculating.
break; //exits the switch case.
case 255: //decimal 255.
Serial.println("No Data"); //means there is no further data to send.
break; //exits the switch case.
while (Wire.available()) { //are there bytes to receive.
in_char =; //receive a byte.
ph_data[i] = in_char; //load this byte into our array.
i += 1; //incur the counter for the array element.
if (in_char == 0) { //if we see that we have been sent a null command.
i = 0; //reset the counter i to 0.
Wire.endTransmission(); //end the I2C data transmission.
break; //exit the while loop.
Serial.println(ph_data); //print the data.
//Uncomment this section if you want to take the pH value and convert it into floating point number.
* HC-SR04 example sketch
* by Isaac100
const int trigPin = 9;
const int echoPin = 10;
float duration, distance;
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = (duration*.0343)/2;
Serial.print("Distance: ");
//This code was written to be easy to understand.
//Modify this code as you see fit.
//This code will output data to the Arduino serial monitor.
//Type commands into the Arduino serial monitor to control the pH circuit.
//An Arduino UNO was used to test this code.
//This code was written in the Arduino 1.8.5 IDE
//This code was last tested 1/2018
#include <Wire.h> //enable I2C.
#define address 99 //default I2C ID number for EZO pH Circuit.
char computerdata[20]; //we make a 20 byte character array to hold incoming data from a pc/mac/other.
byte received_from_computer = 0; //we need to know how many characters have been received.
byte code = 0; //used to hold the I2C response code.
char ph_data[20]; //we make a 20-byte character array to hold incoming data from the pH circuit.
byte in_char = 0; //used as a 1 byte buffer to store inbound bytes from the pH Circuit.
byte i = 0; //counter used for ph_data array.
int time_ = 900; //used to change the delay needed depending on the command sent to the EZO Class pH Circuit.
float ph_float; //float var used to hold the float value of the pH.
void setup() //hardware initialization.
Serial.begin(9600); //enable serial port.
Wire.begin(); //enable I2C port.
void loop() { //the main loop.
if (Serial.available() > 0) { //if data is holding in the serial buffer
received_from_computer = Serial.readBytesUntil(13, computerdata, 20); //we read the data sent from the serial monitor(pc/mac/other) until we see a <CR>. We also count how many characters have been received.
computerdata[received_from_computer] = 0; //stop the buffer from transmitting leftovers or garbage.
computerdata[0] = tolower(computerdata[0]); //we make sure the first char in the string is lower case.
if (computerdata[0] == 'c' || computerdata[0] == 'r')time_ = 900; //if a command has been sent to calibrate or take a reading we wait 1800ms so that the circuit has time to take the reading.
else time_ = 300; //if any other command has been sent we wait only 300ms.
Wire.beginTransmission(address); //call the circuit by its ID number.
Wire.write(computerdata); //transmit the command that was sent through the serial port.
Wire.endTransmission(); //end the I2C data transmission.
if (strcmp(computerdata, "sleep") != 0) { //if the command that has been sent is NOT the sleep command, wait the correct amount of time and request data.
//if it is the sleep command, we do nothing. Issuing a sleep command and then requesting data will wake the pH circuit.
delay(time_); //wait the correct amount of time for the circuit to complete its instruction.
Wire.requestFrom(address, 20, 1); //call the circuit and request 20 bytes (this may be more than we need)
code =; //the first byte is the response code, we read this separately.
switch (code) { //switch case based on what the response code is.
case 1: //decimal 1.
Serial.println("Success"); //means the command was successful.
break; //exits the switch case.
case 2: //decimal 2.
Serial.println("Failed"); //means the command has failed.
break; //exits the switch case.
case 254: //decimal 254.
Serial.println("Pending"); //means the command has not yet been finished calculating.
break; //exits the switch case.
case 255: //decimal 255.
Serial.println("No Data"); //means there is no further data to send.
break; //exits the switch case.
while (Wire.available()) { //are there bytes to receive.
in_char =; //receive a byte.
ph_data[i] = in_char; //load this byte into our array.
i += 1; //incur the counter for the array element.
if (in_char == 0) { //if we see that we have been sent a null command.
i = 0; //reset the counter i to 0.
Wire.endTransmission(); //end the I2C data transmission.
break; //exit the while loop.
Serial.println(ph_data); //print the data.
//Uncomment this section if you want to take the pH value and convert it into floating point number.
import serial
from import list_ports
ser = serial.Serial(list_ports.comports()[1].device, 9600)
while True:
import io # used to create file streams
import fcntl # used to access I2C parameters like addresses
import time # used for sleep delay and timestamps
import string # helps parse strings
class atlas_i2c:
long_timeout = 1.5 # the timeout needed to query readings and calibrations
short_timeout = .5 # timeout for regular commands
default_bus = 1 # the default bus for I2C on the newer Raspberry Pis, certain older boards use bus 0
default_address = 99 # the default address for the pH sensor
def __init__(self, address = default_address, bus = default_bus):
# open two file streams, one for reading and one for writing
# the specific I2C channel is selected with bus
# it is usually 1, except for older revisions where its 0
# wb and rb indicate binary read and write
self.file_read ="/dev/i2c-"+str(bus), "rb", buffering = 0)
self.file_write ="/dev/i2c-"+str(bus), "wb", buffering = 0)
# initializes I2C to either a user specified or default address
def set_i2c_address(self, addr):
# set the I2C communications to the slave specified by the address
# The commands for I2C dev using the ioctl functions are specified in
# the i2c-dev.h file from i2c-tools
I2C_SLAVE = 0x703
fcntl.ioctl(self.file_read, I2C_SLAVE, addr)
fcntl.ioctl(self.file_write, I2C_SLAVE, addr)
def write(self, string):
# appends the null character and sends the string over I2C
string += "\00"
def read(self, num_of_bytes = 31):
# reads a specified number of bytes from I2C, then parses and displays the result
res = # read from the board
response = filter(lambda x: x != '\x00', res) # remove the null characters to get the response
if(ord(response[0]) == 1): # if the response isnt an error
char_list = map(lambda x: chr(ord(x) & ~0x80), list(response[1:])) # change MSB to 0 for all received characters except the first and get a list of characters
# NOTE: having to change the MSB to 0 is a glitch in the raspberry pi, and you shouldn't have to do this!
return "Command succeeded " + ''.join(char_list) # convert the char list to a string and returns it
return "Error " + str(ord(response[0]))
def query(self, string):
# write a command to the board, wait the correct timeout, and read the response
# the read and calibration commands require a longer timeout
if((string.upper().startswith("R")) or
return "sleep mode"
def close(self):
def main():
device = atlas_i2c() # creates the I2C port object, specify the address or bus if necessary
print(">> Atlas Scientific sample code")
print(">> Any commands entered are passed to the board via I2C except:")
print(">> Address,xx changes the I2C address the Raspberry Pi communicates with.")
print(">> Poll,xx.x command continuously polls the board every xx.x seconds")
print(" where xx.x is longer than the %0.2f second timeout." % atlas_i2c.long_timeout)
print(" Pressing ctrl-c will stop the polling")
# main loop
while True:
input = raw_input("Enter command: ")
# address command lets you change which address the Raspberry Pi will poll
addr = int(string.split(input, ',')[1])
print("I2C address set to " + str(addr))
# contiuous polling command automatically polls the board
delaytime = float(string.split(input, ',')[1])
# check for polling time being too short, change it to the minimum timeout if too short
if(delaytime < atlas_i2c.long_timeout):
print("Polling time is shorter than timeout, setting polling time to %0.2f" % atlas_i2c.long_timeout)
delaytime = atlas_i2c.long_timeout
# get the information of the board you're polling
info = string.split(device.query("I"), ",")[1]
print("Polling %s sensor every %0.2f seconds, press ctrl-c to stop polling" % (info, delaytime))
while True:
time.sleep(delaytime - atlas_i2c.long_timeout)
except KeyboardInterrupt: # catches the ctrl-c command, which breaks the loop above
print("Continuous polling stopped")
# if not a special keyword, pass commands straight to board
except IOError:
print("Query failed")
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is a sketch to test the soil sensor based
on the SHT10 temperature & humidity sensor
Written by Marco Schwartz for Open Home Automation
// Include Sensirion library
#include <Sensirion.h>
// Sensor pins
const uint8_t dataPin = 6;
const uint8_t clockPin = 7;
// Variables for the temperature & humidity sensor
float temperature;
float humidity;
float dewpoint;
// Create sensor instance
Sensirion soilSensor = Sensirion(dataPin, clockPin);
void setup()
void loop()
// Make a measurement
soilSensor.measure(&temperature, &humidity, &dewpoint);
// Print results
Serial.print("Soil Temperature: ");
Serial.print("Soil Humidity: ");
// Wait 1000 ms before next measurement
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