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Created January 6, 2016 05:59
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pyaudio
import struct
import time
__author__ = "TonyMooori"
class MusicMorph:
def __init__(self,length = 8,n_child = 4,pulse = 0.25, mutation = 0.25):
length: The length of a socre.(楽譜の長さ)
n_child: The number of the scores.(楽譜の数)
pulse: The length of a pulse(second).(拍の長さ[秒])
mutation: The percentage of mutation.(突然変異の確率)
""" The frequency of each scales.(音程の周波数) """
self.scales = np.array([ 0.0, 261.63,293.66,329.63,349.23,392.00,440.00,493.88,523.25,])
self.length = length
self.n_child = n_child
self.pulse = pulse
self.mutation = mutation
""" Make scores.(楽譜を作る) """
def createSineWave(self,freq,sec=1.0,rate = 44100.0):
Return the sine wave.(サイン波を返します)
freq: The frequency of the sound.(音の周波数)
sec: The length of the sound(second).(音の時間[秒])
rate: The sampling rate of the sound.(サンプリング周波数)
x = np.linspace( 0, 2 * np.pi * sec, num = int(rate * sec))
y = (32767.0 * np.sin( freq * x ) ).astype(
return struct.pack("h" * len(y), *y )
def play(self,indx):
The function to play the score.(演奏を行う関数)
indx: The index of score.(楽譜番号)
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream =
""" Play each sound.(音ごとに演奏する) """
for indx,length in self.child_score[indx]:
sec = self.pulse * ( 2.0 ** length )
freq = self.scales[int(indx)]
def random_sound(self,last_scale):
""" Return a random sound.(音をランダムに作る) """
sound = np.zeros(2)
n_scale = len(self.scales)
""" Decide a scale of the sound.(音程を決める) """
sound[0] = int(np.random.random_sample() * n_scale)
while last_scale == sound[0]:
sound[0] = int(np.random.random_sample() * n_scale)
""" Decide a length of the sound.(音の長さを決める) """
sound[1] = int(np.random.random_sample() * 4)
return sound
def random_score(self):
""" Return a random score.(ランダムな楽譜を返す) """
score = np.zeros((self.length,2))
last_scale = -1
for i in range(self.length):
score[i] = self.random_sound(last_scale)
last_scale = score[i,0]
return score
def make_children(self):
""" Remake all scores using the selected score.(選択した楽譜で全て作り直す) """
scores = np.zeros((self.n_child,self.length,2))
scores[0] = self.main_score
for i in range(1,self.n_child):
scores[i] = self.make_child()
return scores
def make_child(self):
""" Make a new score using a selected score.(類似した楽譜を作る) """
score = self.main_score.copy()
last_scale = -1
for i in range(len(score)):
if np.random.random_sample() < self.mutation:
score[i] = self.random_sound(last_scale)
last_scale = score[i,0]
return score
def select(self,indx):
Select the best music.(選択を行うメソッド)
indx: The number of the score.(楽譜番号)
self.main_score = self.child_score[indx]
self.child_score = self.make_children()
def refresh(self):
""" Refresh all the scores.(楽譜を一新するメソッド) """
self.main_score = self.random_score()
self.child_score = self.make_children()
print("Music Morph")
n_child = 4
mm = MusicMorph(n_child = n_child)
while True:
print("\n" + "*" * 40)
print("input command")
print("-3\t: exit")
print("-2\t: init scores")
print("-1\t: listen all")
for i in range(n_child):
print(str(i) + "\t: listen score no." + str(i))
for i in range(n_child):
print(str(i+n_child) + "\t: select score no." + str(i))
""" Input and parse to the integer.(入力してint型に変換) """
cmd = raw_input()
cmd = int(cmd)
cmd = -4
""" Branch.(分岐) """
if cmd == -3:
elif cmd == -2:
elif cmd == -1:
print("listen all")
for i in range(n_child):
print("playing no." + str(i) )
elif 0 <= cmd <= n_child - 1:
print("playing no." + str(cmd)) cmd )
elif n_child <= cmd <= 2 * n_child - 1:
print("selected no." + str(cmd%n_child)) % n_child)
print("wrong input")
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