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Created June 10, 2010 19:15
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  • Save TooTallNate/433486 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TooTallNate/433486 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"getScriptName" is a cross-browser function to retrieve the absolute URL of the currently executing JavaScript file.
// If no exception is passed into 'getScriptName', it will only
// retrieve the URL of the script where 'getScriptName' is defined.
// In order to get the URL of a different script file, you must
// pass an exception generated in this script file to 'getScriptName'.
try {
} catch(ex) {
getScriptName(ex, onScriptNameKnown);
function onScriptNameKnown(name) {
var correctName = "anotherScript.js";
var isCorrect = name.lastIndexOf(correctName) === name.length - correctName.length;
document.write("URL ends with 'anotherScript.js': <b>"+isCorrect+"</b><br><br>");
// Attempts to retrieve the absolute path of the executing script.
// Pass a function as 'callback' which will be executed once the
// URL is known, with the first argument being the string URL.
function getScriptName(ex, callback) {
if (typeof ex == 'function') {
try {
} catch(e) {
getScriptName(e, ex);
} else {
// Getting the URL of the exception is non-standard, and
// different in EVERY browser unfortunately.
if (ex['fileName']) { // Firefox
} else if (ex['sourceURL']) { // Safari
} else if (ex['arguments']) { // V8 (Chrome)
var originalPrepareStackTrace = Error['prepareStackTrace'];
Error['prepareStackTrace'] = function(error, structuredStackTrace) {
return structuredStackTrace[1].getFileName();
// When Error#stack is 'get', Error.prepareStackTrace is
// called and what's returned is the stack value. See:
var stack = ex['stack'];
Error['prepareStackTrace'] = originalPrepareStackTrace;
} else if (ex['stack']) { // Opera 10
var s = ex['stack'];
s = s.split("\n")[0];
s = s.substring(s.indexOf("@")+1);
callback(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(":")));
} else { // Internet Explorer 8+
//console.log("internet explorer");
var origOnError = window['onerror'];
window['onerror'] = function(msg, url){
window['onerror'] = origOnError;
// 'callback' gets invoked in IE 6 & 7, but the
// 'url' is incorrectly set to location.href.
// It seems impossible to do correctly this in IE <= 7. See:
return true;
throw ex;
getScriptName(function(name) {
var correctName = "getScriptName.js";
var isCorrect = name.lastIndexOf(correctName) === name.length - correctName.length;
document.write("URL ends with '"+correctName+"': <b>"+isCorrect+"</b><br><br>");
<script type="text/javascript" src="getScriptName.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="anotherScript.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("This happens after everything!"+
" (i.e. if this is the last line, 'getScriptName' calls 'callback' synchronously)<br>");
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