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Created December 19, 2022 17:41
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from collections import *
import math, sys, copy, functools, json
# !!! ONE ore-collecting robot in your pack that you can use to kickstart the whole operation
# which blueprint would maximize the number of opened geodes after 24 minutes
# needs at least 16GB ram to run pt 2...
f = open("day19.input")
# g = f.readline()
arr = []
d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: False)))
d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: False))
bps = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: False)))
CODES = ['OR', 'C', 'OB', 'G']
'OR': 0,
'C': 1,
'OB': 2,
'G': 3
def to_code(name):
code = None
if name == 'ore': code = 'OR'
elif name == 'clay': code = 'C'
elif name == 'obsidian': code = 'OB'
elif name == 'geode': code = 'G'
return code
MAX_BY_CODE = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))
def insert(idx, datum):
sp = datum.split()
# sp.index('costs')
code = to_code(sp[0])
print("jaja", sp)
costing = [z.strip() for z in " ".join(sp[sp.index('costs')+1:]).split("and")]
# print("jaja2", sp[sp.index('costs')+1:])
print("jaja2", costing)
for cost in costing:
c, name = cost.split()
c = int(c)
print("inserting!", (idx, code, to_code(name), c))
bps[idx][code][to_code(name)] = c
MAX_BY_CODE[idx][ CODE_TO_IDX[to_code(name)] ] = max( MAX_BY_CODE[idx][ CODE_TO_IDX[to_code(name)] ] , c )
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
# print(line)
sp = line.split()
# print(sp)
idx = int(sp[1][:-1])
# bps[idx] = {}
data = [s.strip()[:-1] for s in " ".join(sp[2:]).split("Each") if s]
for datum in data:
insert(idx, datum)
# print(data)
print("bps debug")
print(json.dumps(bps[1], indent=2))
# print(bps[2]['OR'])
print(json.dumps(MAX_BY_CODE, indent=2))
res = 0
visited = set()
# earliest_time = defaultdict(lambda: math.inf)
cur_max_geode = 0
def test(idx, minutes, cur_freqs, robots):
# if robots[0] > 4:
# print("should never happen")
# print(robots)
# print("called", (idx, minutes, cur_freqs, robots))
# for i in range(3):
# if robots[i] > MAX_BY_CODE[i]+5:
# return
global res
# if cur_freqs[-1] < res:
# return
if minutes == 0:
# print("ended", (idx, minutes, cur_freqs, robots))
res = max(res, cur_freqs[-1]) # geodes never consumed.
# bt
# print("hmm...", sorted(bps[idx].items(), reverse=True, key=lambda x: CODE_TO_IDX[x[0]]))
# for code, value in bps[idx].items():
has_big = False
has_geode = False
for code, value in sorted(bps[idx].items(), reverse=True, key=lambda x: CODE_TO_IDX[x[0]]):
# for code, value in bps[idx].items():
needed_types = len(value)
code_idx = CODE_TO_IDX[code]
# print("hmm?", code_idx, code)
if code_idx < 3 and robots[code_idx] == MAX_BY_CODE[idx][code_idx]: # don't need to buy any more...
n_cur_freqs = list(cur_freqs)
n_robots = list(robots)
for needed_code, needed_amt in value.items():
# print( (code, needed_code, needed_amt) )
needed_code_idx = CODE_TO_IDX[needed_code]
if cur_freqs[needed_code_idx] >= needed_amt:
needed_types -= 1
# n_cur_freqs = cur_freqs[:]
n_cur_freqs[needed_code_idx] -= needed_amt
# n_robots = robots[:]
if (needed_types == 0):
n_robots[code_idx] += 1
if has_geode: continue
# if has_big and code_idx < 2: continue
# bought = True
# print("appending!", ( total_opened[:], n_cur_freqs, n_robots) )
for i in range(len(robots)):
n_cur_freqs[i] += robots[i]
hsh = (minutes-1, *(n_cur_freqs), *(n_robots) )
# if earliest_time[hsh] > minutes:
# earliest_time[hsh] = minutes
if hsh not in visited:
test(idx, minutes-1, tuple(n_cur_freqs), tuple(n_robots))
if code_idx == 3:
has_big = True
has_geode = True
if code_idx == 2:
has_big = True
# break
# else:
# print("wtf?")
if has_geode: return
n_cur_freqs = list(cur_freqs)
for i in range(len(robots)):
n_cur_freqs[i] += robots[i]
hsh = (minutes-1, *(n_cur_freqs), *(robots) )
# if earliest_time[hsh] > minutes:
# earliest_time[hsh] = minutes
if hsh not in visited:
test(idx, minutes-1, tuple(n_cur_freqs), robots)
# else:
# print("wtf 2?")
# test(idx, minutes-1, tuple(n_cur_freqs), robots)
zres = 0
for idx in list(bps.keys()):
res = 0
test(idx, 32, (0,0,0,0), (1,0,0,0) )
print("tested", idx, res)
zres += idx * res
# break
print("final", zres)
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