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Last active March 20, 2020 16:33
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Test benchmark with different batch sizes
func benchmarkBulkCreate(size int, b *testing.B) {
db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", "host=localhost port=5432 user=testuser dbname=testdb password=123456 sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
users := stubUsers(b)
tx := db.Begin()
chunkList := funk.Chunk(users, size)
for _, chunk := range chunkList.([][]*User) {
valueStrings := []string{}
valueArgs := []interface{}{}
for _, user := range chunk {
valueStrings = append(valueStrings, "(?, ?)")
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, user.Name)
valueArgs = append(valueArgs, user.Password)
stmt := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO users (name, password) VALUES %s", strings.Join(valueStrings, ","))
err = tx.Exec(stmt, valueArgs...).Error
if err != nil {
err = tx.Commit().Error
if err != nil {
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