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Last active May 18, 2019 15:50
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  • Save TrinityCoder/c1c011f12c54c8ee8a1121bc9c2a21cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TrinityCoder/c1c011f12c54c8ee8a1121bc9c2a21cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is the original Ruby script just slightly adjusted so that it runs with today's Ruby. ORIGINAL:
#!/usr/bin/env -vS ruby -wKU
commands = `/usr/bin/env cmake --help-command-list`.lines
commands.shift # Skip version number
constants = []
commands.each do |cmd|
cmd = cmd.strip.upcase
help = `/usr/bin/env cmake --help-command #{cmd}`
help.scan(/[a-zA-Z_]+\((.+?)\)/m) do |example|
example[0].scan(/[A-Z_\d]{2,}/) do |constant|
constants << constant
constants.uniq.sort.each { |constant| puts constant }
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