Scenario Outline: eating cucumbers
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers
| start | eat | left |
| 12 | 5 | 7 |
| 20 | 5 | 15 |
*** Test Cases ***
Scenario: eating cucumbers
[Template] Scenario Outline: eating cucumbers
# Examples:
# start eat left
12 5 7
20 5 15
33 11 22
35 15 20
*** Keywords ***
Scenario Outline: eating cucumbers
[Arguments] ${start} ${eat} ${left}
Given there are ${start} cucumbers
When I eat ${eat} cucumbers
Then I should have ${left} cucumbers
# steps implementation
there are ${x} cucumbers
Set Test Variable ${start} ${x}
log ${start}
I eat ${y} cucumbers
Set Test Variable ${eat} ${y}
log ${start}
log ${eat}
I should have ${z} cucumbers
Set Test Variable ${left} ${z}
log ${start}
log ${eat}
log ${left}
${result}= Evaluate ${start} - ${eat}
Should be equal as strings ${result} ${left}
Hi, could you please provide detailed steps, such as which Library needs to be install/Add, How do we attache feature file to the FW? How to run Test Cases...etc