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Last active May 13, 2024 11:06
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HOW TO translate Cucumber test case into Robot Framework (RF) test case

Cucumber test with examples table

Scenario Outline: eating cucumbers
  Given there are <start> cucumbers
  When I eat <eat> cucumbers
  Then I should have <left> cucumbers

    | start | eat | left |
    |  12   |  5  |  7   |
    |  20   |  5  |  15  |

RobotFramework test with template keyword

*** Test Cases ***
Scenario: eating cucumbers
    [Template]  Scenario Outline: eating cucumbers

    # Examples:
    # start  eat  left
    12       5    7
    20       5    15
    33       11   22
    35       15   20

*** Keywords ***
Scenario Outline: eating cucumbers
    [Arguments]  ${start}  ${eat}  ${left}
    Given there are ${start} cucumbers
    When I eat ${eat} cucumbers
    Then I should have ${left} cucumbers

# steps implementation
there are ${x} cucumbers
    Set Test Variable  ${start}  ${x}
    log    ${start}

I eat ${y} cucumbers
    Set Test Variable  ${eat}  ${y}
    log    ${start}
    log    ${eat}
I should have ${z} cucumbers
    Set Test Variable  ${left}  ${z}
    log   ${start}
    log   ${eat}
    log   ${left}

    ${result}=  Evaluate  ${start} - ${eat}
    Should be equal as strings  ${result}  ${left}
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Hi, could you please provide detailed steps, such as which Library needs to be install/Add, How do we attache feature file to the FW? How to run Test Cases...etc

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