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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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  • Save Turin86/e67f2f491383b30fa0dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Utility function to properly capitalize names
def capnames(line):
if isinstance(line, basestring):
was_string = isinstance(line, str)
if was_string:
line = line.decode('utf-8')
line = line.lower() \
.replace(u'otoole', u'o\'toole') \
.replace(u'\\', u'')
line = u'-'.join(_.strip() for _ in line.split(u'-'))
line = u"'".join(_.strip() for _ in line.split(u"'"))
line = u'ª '.join(_.strip() for _ in line.split(u'ª'))
line = u'º '.join(_.strip() for _ in line.split(u'º'))
line = u', '.join(_.strip() for _ in line.split(u','))
line = u'. '.join(_.strip() for _ in line.split(u'.'))
names = line.split()
for i in range(len(names)):
if names[i] not in (u'de', u'del', u'el', u'la', u'las',
u'los', u'do', u'von', u'van', u'der', u'ben', u'ibn', u'ebn',
u'bin', u'of', u'y', u'i', u'eta', u'and', u'und', u'du', u'dos',
u'les', u'da', u'den', u'ten', u'zu', u'z', u'af', u'av', u'ver',
u'op', u'della', u'di', u'lo', u'zum', u'vor', u'dem', u'auf',
u'als', u'sich', u'ein', u'mit', u'degli', u'zur'):
for special_char in (u'.', u',', u'-', u"'"):
name_parts = names[i].split(special_char)
for j in range(len(name_parts)):
if len(name_parts[j]) > 0:
name_parts[j] = name_parts[j][0].upper() + name_parts[j][1:]
for prefix in (u'Mc',):
if name_parts[j].startswith(prefix):
name_parts[j] = prefix + name_parts[j][len(prefix)].upper() + name_parts[j][(len(prefix)+1):]
names[i] = special_char.join(name_parts)
line = u' '.join(names)
if was_string:
line = line.encode('utf-8')
return line
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