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Created March 13, 2018 12:39
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Concurrent-queue benchmarks.
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
// outside of diagnostic push because occur in blockingconcurrentqueue's instantiations
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wextra"
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
#include <boost/fiber/bounded_channel.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/sync_bounded_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/lockfree/queue.hpp>
#include <tbb/concurrent_queue.h>
#include "concurrentqueue/blockingconcurrentqueue.h" // moodycamel
#include <queues/include/mpmc-bounded-queue.hpp> //
// required by MPMCQueue.h; missing in earlier stdlib
namespace std
inline void *align( std::size_t alignment, std::size_t size,
void *&ptr, std::size_t &space ) {
std::uintptr_t pn = reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( ptr );
std::uintptr_t aligned = ( pn + alignment - 1 ) & - alignment;
std::size_t padding = aligned - pn;
if ( space < size + padding ) return nullptr;
space -= padding;
return ptr = reinterpret_cast< void * >( aligned );
#include "MPMCQueue.h" //
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// synchronized-queue capacity
// NB: mpmc-bounded-queue requires power of two capacity
static const size_t g_capacity = 4096;
// will pump this many elements through the queue
static const size_t g_num_elements = g_capacity * std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
namespace mt
struct timer
/// returns the time elapsed since timer's instantiation, in seconds.
/// To reset: `my_timer = mt::timer{}`.
operator double() const
return (double)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(
clock_t::now() - start_timepoint).count() * 1e-9;
using clock_t = std::chrono::steady_clock;
clock_t::time_point start_timepoint = clock_t::now();
/// \brief Can be used as alternative to std::mutex.
/// It is typically faster than std::mutex, yet does not aggressively max-out the CPUs.
/// NB: may cause thread starvation in some scenarios.
template<uint64_t SleepMicrosec = 50>
class atomic_lock
std::atomic_flag m_flag = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
atomic_lock() = default;
// non-copyable and non-movable, as with std::mutex
atomic_lock(const atomic_lock&) = delete;
atomic_lock& operator=(const atomic_lock&) = delete;
atomic_lock(atomic_lock&&) = delete;
atomic_lock& operator=(atomic_lock&&) = delete;
bool try_lock() noexcept
return !m_flag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire);
void lock() noexcept
while(m_flag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
void unlock() noexcept
/// A minimalistic blocking, optionally-bounded synchronized-queue.
/// For testing/comparison/benchmarking. not for production.
/// Only requires MoveAssigneable from value_type
template <typename T, class BasicLockable = std::mutex /*or mt::atomic_lock*/>
class naive_synchronized_queue
using value_type = T;
naive_synchronized_queue(size_t capacity_ = size_t(-1))
: m_capacity{ capacity_ == 0 ? 1 : capacity_ }
void push(value_type val)
// NB: guards are to prevent thread starvation in
// MPSC and SPMC scenarios when used with atomic_lock
guard_t guard{ m_push_mutex };
lock_t lock{ m_mutex };
lock, [this]{ return m_queue.size() < m_capacity; });
value_type pop()
guard_t guard{ m_pop_mutex };
lock_t lock{ m_mutex };
lock, [this]{ return !m_queue.empty() ;});
value_type ret = std::move(m_queue.front());
return ret;
using lock_t = std::unique_lock<BasicLockable>;
using guard_t = std::lock_guard<BasicLockable>;
using queue_t = std::queue<value_type>;
using condvar_t = typename std::conditional<
std::is_same<BasicLockable, std::mutex>::value,
std::condition_variable_any >::type;
size_t m_capacity;
queue_t m_queue;
BasicLockable m_mutex;
BasicLockable m_push_mutex;
BasicLockable m_pop_mutex;
condvar_t m_can_push;
condvar_t m_can_pop;
}; // naive_synchronized_queue
static void min_sleep()
// NB: sleep a minimal amount to avoid hogging the CPU.
// (the actual time is greater than 1ns; depends on the CPU scheduler)
} // namespace mt
// Normalizing interface to the various synchronized-queue implementations:
// template<typename T, typename Queue>
// void push(T value); // blocking
// template<typename T, typename Queue>
// T pop(); // blocking
// Non-blocking calls are wrapped into a busy-wait loops
// (e.g. boost::lockfree below)
template<typename T, typename Queue>
auto push(Queue& q, T value) -> decltype((void)q.push(T{}))
template<typename T>
void push(boost::lockfree::queue<T>& q, T value)
// bounded_push blocks if the queue is at capacity
while(!q.bounded_push(std::move(value))) { mt::min_sleep(); }
template<typename T>
void push(moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<T>& q, T value)
#if 1
while(q.size_approx() > g_capacity) {
// NB: insertion may violate the capacity bound,
// but there's no implicit bounding mechanism
// in BlockingConcurrentQueue as far as I can tell.
// We're keeping it "manually" approximately within capacity.
// Even if we don't cap the capacity, this does not
// affect the results of the benchmarks.
template<typename T>
void push(moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<T>& q, T value)
while(q.size_approx() > g_capacity) {
mt::min_sleep(); // see comments in the overload above
template<typename T>
void push(tbb::concurrent_queue<T>& q, T value)
while(q.unsafe_size() > g_capacity) {
mt::min_sleep(); // see comments in the overload above
template<typename T>
void push(mpmc_bounded_queue_t<T>& q, T value)
while(!q.enqueue(value)) {
template<typename T, typename Queue>
auto pop(Queue& q) -> decltype(T{ q.pop() })
return q.pop();
template<typename T, typename Queue>
auto pop(Queue& q) -> decltype((void)q.pop(std::declval<T&>()), T{})
T item{};
return item;
template<typename T>
T pop(boost::sync_bounded_queue<T>& q)
return q.pull_front();
template<typename T>
T pop(boost::fibers::bounded_channel<T>& q)
return q.value_pop();
template<typename T>
T pop(boost::lockfree::queue<T>& q)
T elem{};
while(!q.pop(elem)) {
return elem;
template<typename T>
T pop(moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<T>& q)
T item{};
while(!q.try_dequeue(item)) {
return item;
template<typename T>
T pop(moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<T>& q)
T item{};
return item;
template<typename T>
T pop(tbb::concurrent_queue<T>& q)
T item{};
while(!q.try_pop(item)) {
return item;
template<typename T>
T pop(mpmc_bounded_queue_t<T>& q)
T item{};
while(!q.dequeue(item)) {
return item;
/// Pump `num_elems` through the queue using specified number of pushing and popping threads
/// @return throughput (items pumped through the queue per second)
template<typename T, class Queue>
double get_throughput(
Queue& queue,
size_t num_pushers,
size_t num_poppers,
size_t num_elems)
// verify that num_pushers and num_poppers both divide num_elems
assert(num_elems/num_pushers*num_pushers == num_elems);
assert(num_elems/num_poppers*num_poppers == num_elems);
std::vector<std::future<long>> pushers{ num_pushers };
std::vector<std::future<long>> poppers{ num_poppers };
mt::timer timer;
// launch pushing tasks
for(auto& p : pushers) {
p = std::async(std::launch::async, [&]
long total = 0;
for(size_t j = 0; j < num_elems/num_pushers; j++) {
push<T>(queue, 1);
return total;
// launch popping tasks
for(auto& p : poppers) {
p = std::async(std::launch::async, [&]
long total = 0;
for(size_t j = 0; j < num_elems/num_poppers; j++) {
total += pop<T>(queue);
return total;
// NB: provided that the time complete the tasks is much greater
// than the time to spawn the tasks, the bootstrap time can be ignored.
// wait for the workers thread to finish and aggregate the subtotals
long total_pushed = 0;
for(auto& fut : pushers) {
total_pushed += fut.get();
long total_popped = 0;
for(auto& fut : poppers) {
total_popped += fut.get();
if( total_pushed != total_popped
|| total_pushed != (long)num_elems)
std::cerr << "Problem with queue: pushed: "
<< total_pushed
<< "; popped:"
<< total_popped << "\n";
return double(num_elems)/timer;
template<typename F>
double get_harmonic_mean(F&& callable, size_t times)
double s = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < times; i++) {
s += 1.0/callable();
return double(times)/s;
// Do multiple runs of a single scenario; compute harmonic mean
// of the throughputs and report to cerr.
template<typename T, class Queue>
void test_scenario(
Queue& queue,
size_t num_pushers,
size_t num_poppers,
size_t num_elems)
auto get_throughput_once = [&queue, num_pushers, num_poppers, num_elems] {
return get_throughput<T>(queue, num_pushers, num_poppers, num_elems);
// aggregate over a few runs
const double throughput = get_harmonic_mean(get_throughput_once, 10);
const auto s = std::to_string(num_pushers)
+ "/" + std::to_string(num_poppers);
std::cerr << std::setw(8) << std::left << s
<< std::setw(8) << std::left << std::setprecision(4) << throughput/1e6
<< std::setw(0) ;
size_t bar_size = size_t(throughput/1e5)+1;
size_t bar_capacity = 100;
for(size_t i = 0; i < std::min(bar_capacity, bar_size); i++) {
std::cerr << "*";
std::cerr << (bar_size > bar_capacity ? "..." : "") << std::endl;
template<typename T, class Queue>
void test_scenarios(Queue& queue)
size_t num_cores = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
size_t half_cores = num_cores == 1 ? 1 : num_cores/2;
size_t num_elems = g_num_elements;
test_scenario<T>(queue, 1UL, 1UL, num_elems/4); // SPSC
test_scenario<T>(queue, 1UL, num_cores, num_elems/4); // SPMC
test_scenario<T>(queue, num_cores, 1UL, num_elems/4); // MPSC
test_scenario<T>(queue, half_cores, half_cores, num_elems); // MPMC
test_scenario<T>(queue, num_cores*4, num_cores*4, num_elems); // MPSC(congested)
// Queue has a constructor accepting capacity.
template<typename T, typename Queue>
void test(const std::string& label, Queue*)
std::cerr << "\n" << label << "\n";
Queue queue{ g_capacity };
// tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue needs to have set_capacity called explicitly.
template<typename T>
void test(const std::string& label, tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<T>*)
std::cerr << "\n" << label << "\n";
tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<T> queue{};
// tbb::concurrent_queue does not have a contsructor accepting capacity
template<typename T>
void test(const std::string& label, tbb::concurrent_queue<T>*)
std::cerr << "\n" << label << "\n";
tbb::concurrent_queue<T> queue{};
int main()
struct utsname uts;
std::cerr << "hardware concurrency: " << std::thread::hardware_concurrency()
<< "\nplatform:" << uts.sysname << " " << uts.release
<< "\nqueue capacity:" << g_capacity
<< "\nelements to pump: " << g_num_elements
<< "\ncolumns: producers/consumers | throughput(M/s) | bar"
<< std::endl;
using T = long;
#define TEST(...) test<T>(#__VA_ARGS__, reinterpret_cast<__VA_ARGS__*>(NULL));
TEST( mt::naive_synchronized_queue<T, std::mutex> );
TEST( mt::naive_synchronized_queue<T, mt::atomic_lock<> > );
TEST( mpmc_bounded_queue_t<T> );
TEST( tbb::concurrent_queue<T> );
TEST( tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<T> );
TEST( moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<T> );
TEST( moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<T> );
TEST( rigtorp::MPMCQueue<T> );
TEST( boost::sync_bounded_queue<T> );
TEST( boost::lockfree::queue<T> );
TEST( boost::fibers::bounded_channel<T> );
return 0;
ardware concurrency: 32
platform:Linux 3.10.0-693.17.1.el7.x86_64
queue capacity:16384
elements to pump: 524288
columns: producers/consumers | throughput(M/s) | bar
mt::naive_synchronized_queue<T, std::mutex>
1/1 2.25 ***********************
1/32 0.9726 **********
32/1 0.8859 *********
16/16 0.8288 *********
128/128 0.8745 *********
mt::naive_synchronized_queue<T, mt::atomic_lock<> >
1/1 4.629 ***********************************************
1/32 5.413 *******************************************************
32/1 5.422 *******************************************************
16/16 5.648 *********************************************************
128/128 3.395 **********************************
1/1 63.21 ****************************************************************************************************...
1/32 4.498 *********************************************
32/1 3.997 ****************************************
16/16 2.295 ***********************
128/128 2.693 ***************************
1/1 3.617 *************************************
1/32 3.382 **********************************
32/1 6.444 *****************************************************************
16/16 2.864 *****************************
128/128 1.08 ***********
1/1 2.953 ******************************
1/32 0.3862 ****
32/1 0.4642 *****
16/16 7.293 *************************************************************************
128/128 0.8058 *********
1/1 6.718 ********************************************************************
1/32 6.053 *************************************************************
32/1 2.273 ***********************
16/16 5.965 ************************************************************
128/128 2.404 *************************
1/1 4.147 ******************************************
1/32 0.4894 *****
32/1 2.454 *************************
16/16 4.789 ************************************************
128/128 3.42 ***********************************
1/1 27.03 ****************************************************************************************************...
1/32 1.985 ********************
32/1 1.52 ****************
16/16 16.67 ****************************************************************************************************...
128/128 0.9435 **********
1/1 3.826 ***************************************
1/32 0.1484 **
32/1 0.1649 **
16/16 1.293 *************
128/128 1.041 ***********
1/1 3.896 ***************************************
1/32 2.079 *********************
32/1 1.517 ****************
16/16 1.41 ***************
128/128 1.365 **************
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