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Created March 16, 2023 08:59
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  • Save Typiqally/1b1636a49a373f32ec2cbdbf8d32874d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ASP.NET Core + Vite, HTTPS proxy configuration
// This script configures the .env.development.local file with additional environment variables to configure HTTPS using the ASP.NET Core
// development certificate in the webpack development proxy.
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
const baseFolder =
process.env.APPDATA !== undefined && process.env.APPDATA !== ''
? `${process.env.APPDATA}/ASP.NET/https`
: `${process.env.HOME}/.aspnet/https`;
const certificateArg = => arg.match(/--name=(?<value>.+)/i)).filter(Boolean)[0];
const certificateName = certificateArg ? certificateArg.groups.value : process.env.npm_package_name;
if (!certificateName) {
console.error('Invalid certificate name. Run this script in the context of an npm/yarn script or pass --name=<<app>> explicitly.')
const certFilePath = path.join(baseFolder, `${certificateName}.pem`);
const keyFilePath = path.join(baseFolder, `${certificateName}.key`);
if (!fs.existsSync('.env.development.local')) {
} else {
let lines = fs.readFileSync('.env.development.local')
let hasCert, hasCertKey = false;
for (const line of lines) {
if (/VITE_SSL_CRT_FILE=.*/i.test(line)) {
hasCert = true;
if (/VITE_SSL_KEY_FILE=.*/i.test(line)) {
hasCertKey = true;
if (!hasCert) {
if (!hasCertKey) {
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