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Last active July 16, 2021 01:48
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A tool of Foundry Nuke
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 12.1 v4
push $cut_paste_input
NoOp {
name Dissolve_Inserter
tile_color 0x6bffc0ff
note_font Verdana
note_font_size 9
note_font_color 0xff
selected true
xpos -2828
ypos 2131
addUserKnob {20 User l Dissolve_Inserter}
addUserKnob {3 insert_num}
insert_num 1
addUserKnob {6 modify_keyframes -STARTLINE}
modify_keyframes true
addUserKnob {22 insert_button l Insert! T "### keyframe modify ###\ndef modify_keyframes(node):\n if not node\['which'].isAnimated():\n raise Exception(\"You must set any key to Dissolve 'which' knob\")\n animCurve = node\['which'].animation(0)\n allCurves = node\['which'].animations()\n\n keys_num = len(animCurve.keys())\n for key in animCurve.keys():\n key_frame = key.x\n key_which = key.y\n\n if key_which >= insert_num:\n node\['which'].setValueAt(key_which + 1, key_frame)\n\n\n### Begin Script ###\nnode = nuke.selectedNode()\n\ntool = nuke.thisNode()\ninsert_num = tool\['insert_num'].getValue()\n\ntmpInputs = \[]\ninput_num = node.inputs()\n\nfor i in range(input_num):\n if i == 2:\n if insert_num >= 2:\n tmpInputs.append(\"None(Mask)\")\n continue\n tmpInputs.append(node.input(i))\n \n\n\n### insert to 2 <= ###\nif insert_num >= 2:\n for i in range(input_num+1):\n if i -1 == insert_num:\n node.setInput(i, None)\n if i - 1 > insert_num:\n node.setInput(i, nuke.toNode(tmpInputs\[i-1].name()))\n\n### insert to 1 ###\nelif insert_num == 1:\n for i in range(input_num):\n if i == 0:\n node.setInput(1, None)\n if i == 1:\n node.setInput(3, nuke.toNode(tmpInputs\[1].name()))\n if i >= 2:\n node.setInput(i+1, nuke.toNode(tmpInputs\[i-1].name()))\n\n### insert to 0 ###\nelif insert_num == 0:\n for i in range(input_num):\n if i == 0:\n node.setInput(0, None)\n if i == 1:\n node.setInput(1, nuke.toNode(tmpInputs\[0].name()))\n node.setInput(3, nuke.toNode(tmpInputs\[1].name()))\n if i >= 2:\n node.setInput(i+1, nuke.toNode(tmpInputs\[i-1].name()))\n\nif tool\[\"modify_keyframes\"].getValue() == 1:\n modify_keyframes(node)" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {20 Info}
addUserKnob {26 credit l "" +STARTLINE T "created by Kento Fukuda\nv001 2021-07-14"}
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