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Probably coding

Uriahs Victor UVLabs

Probably coding
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UVLabs / detect-highlighted-text.html
Last active February 11, 2024 04:28
Detect highlighted text using JavaScript
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Selected Text Example</title>
// Adapted from:
// Fixed bug where alert would show twice: once when text is selected and again after page is cicked when exiting alert.
function getSelectedText() {
UVLabs / add_xcd_equivalent.php
Last active May 8, 2024 16:19
Adds the XCD equivalent of a product's price next to the USD amount. The example is for XCD but can be used for any currency by just changing the conversion rate.
function sl_add_price_suffix( $html, $product, $price, $qty ){
if(empty($product) && !is_object($product)){
$is_variable = $product->is_type('variable');
$min_price = '';
$max_price = '';
UVLabs / Fonts
Last active December 24, 2024 15:53
A list of noteworthy fonts
Professional - Corperate
UVLabs / zoho_apis_access_token.php
Created August 31, 2023 17:41
Example PHP script for generating access token and refresh token for Zoho APIs.
$api_url = "";
$content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$code = "1000.7c7b9fa2259fac74331e0045d4bf24b2.7de27ed34xxxxxxxxxxxx"; //Generated with a max of 10 min life from for example scope: ZohoCRM.modules.ALL
$redirect_uri = ""; // When testing on Localhost with PHP local server like: php -S localhost:8080 you can set the redirect URL as the same localhost root url example: http://localhost:8080/
// Live client
// $client_id = ""; //Static Client ID from
UVLabs / php-blacklist-checker
Created March 30, 2023 03:17
Blacklist checker script
// Simple PHP script to lookup for blacklisted IP against multiple DNSBLs at once.
// Note from Uriahs - I Didn't write any of this...I think...I'm pretty sure I just found the code somewhere online, but I can't remember..Saving as a gist for future reference.
<title>DNSBL Lookup Tool - IP Blacklist Check Script</title>
UVLabs / make-script-module.php
Last active January 23, 2023 13:40
Turns a WordPress JavaScript file into a module while still supporting wp_add_inline_script()
// Below function will ensure that any scripts added using wp_add_inline_script() are not touched during the filtering process.
// We need to do this because the filte runs after the inline scripts have been concatenated:
function make_scripts_modules( $tag, $handle, $src ) {
if ( 'your-script-handle' !== $handle ) {
return $tag;
UVLabs / timezones.php
Created December 15, 2022 19:04 — forked from kulbakin/timezones.php
Array of timezones where keys are PHP timezone names and values are human friendly timezone titles.
* List of timezones
return array(
'Pacific/Midway' => '(UTC-11:00) Midway',
'Pacific/Niue' => '(UTC-11:00) Niue',
'Pacific/Pago_Pago' => '(UTC-11:00) Pago Pago',
'America/Adak' => '(UTC-10:00) Adak',
'Pacific/Honolulu' => '(UTC-10:00) Honolulu',
UVLabs / wc-set-payment-gateway-currency.php
Last active November 20, 2021 23:36
Alter the amount sent to the payment gateway based on custom currency conversions
Plugin Name: Site Specific- Set Payment Gateway Currency
Plugin URI:
Description: Send the USD equivalent of an XCD amount to payment gateway for processing.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Uriahs Victor
Author URI:
Requires PHP: 7.2
License: GPLv2
UVLabs /
Last active March 30, 2024 14:48
Github Action: Create Tag and Release when a pull request is merged into master/main branch with release notes parsed from merge comment

This Github Action workflow along with the rest of these files/scripts will allow you to create a Tag as well as a Release with the release notes set to the text added in the body of the merge comment when a pull request is merged.

Create release on merge github action


Merge comment title needs to contain the text "release" or else the workflow will not run (see line 11 of create-release.yml).

UVLabs / get_days_since.php
Last active February 18, 2021 21:17
Get the number of days since a specific date or timestamp in PHP with timezone support.
$date_in_the_past = '@1613681176'; // If using timestamps be sure to include '@' symbol
$date_in_the_past_obj = new DateTime($date_in_the_past);
// If timezones matter for your usecase, then use below instead. Ref:
// $date_to_check = '2021-02-18';
// $date_to_check_obj = new DateTime($date_to_check, new DateTimeZone('America/St_Lucia'));
// You can add a different date that you want to compare instead of "today"