Babel is (or at least was supposed to become) the definitive tool for parsing, transforming and generating JavaScript code. That is, it should serve as the base for all modern JavaScript tooling, including linting, syntax highlighting and transpiling. It would also serve as a testing ground for ECMAScript proposals, allowing the community to try out and provide feedback on new proposals before they are even implemented on engines, thus rocketing the JavaScript language's evolution.
The latest major release of Babel (v6) brought huge changes, making Babel much more modular—all transpiling logic has been split into plugins that you can disable or replace, and the plugin API had quite a few changes and improvements as well.
Now, let's get to the point. Babel 6 was published about a month and a half ago, and well, it has been broken since the publication. Okay, not really. Broken releases happen to everyone, [shit happens](https://en.wikipedia