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Created October 2, 2022 12:45
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pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
contract voting{
//@author: BlackAdam
//This code allows a single poll to be created with 3 options (bad, average, good)
//@dev: the options can be inreased and cutomize
//note: the contracts needs to be redployed for another poll(else, you will mess up the initial poll)
//declare an unassigned address here as owner
address owner;
//The id of the poll is declared here
uint ID = 1;
//The options are declared, the vote is restricted to this three options
//@dev: any new options should be added here, in the enums, in the vote functions and totalvote function
uint good;
uint average;
uint bad;
//voting period is set to 2 minutes
uint votingPeriod = block.timestamp + 120 seconds;
//the owner of the contract is set to the person that deploy the contract here
owner = msg.sender;
//this keeps the details of the poll/vote created
//voteOwnerAddress: the address of the owner of the vote/poll
//Topic: The topic/goal of your poll/vote
//_noOfVOte: gives the total number of votes the poll/vote generated
//rate: this keeps tracks of the enums we declared and the options declared there
//voteCreated: this allow the users/voters to know if a poll/vote has been created
struct voteDetails{
address voteOwnerAddress;
string Topic;
uint _noOfVOte;
rating rate;
bool voteCreated;
//these are the option that the voters/user can select from
//bad: 0, average: 1, good: 2
//@dev: any new options can be added here and these can also be customized
enum rating{
//this map a uint to a voteDetails
mapping (uint => voteDetails) _votedetails;
//this keeps track of people who ve voted before, to prevent an address voting twice
mapping(address => bool) hasVoted;
//this checked if an address has voted before or not
modifier voted(){
require(hasVoted[msg.sender] == false, "youve voted");
//this keep tracks of the voting time
modifier timeElapsed(){
require(block.timestamp <= votingPeriod, "Voting has ended");
//the vote/poll is created here
function createVote(string memory _topic) external returns(uint, string memory){
//this assigned an id to a vote details
voteDetails storage VD = _votedetails[ID];
//the msg.sender is stored as the owner of this poll/vote
VD.voteOwnerAddress = msg.sender;
//The topic/goal of the poll/vote is set here
VD.Topic = _topic;
//the poll/vote is set to true here and this allow the users to able to vote
VD.voteCreated = true;
uint currentId = ID;
return(currentId, "Created Succesfully");
//this function allows the user to vote
//it checks if a user has voted or not
//it checks if the voting time has elapsed or not
function Vote(uint _id, rating _rate) external voted timeElapsed{
//it checks if the rate/options the user has entered is not bigger than the number of options we have
require(uint8(_rate) <= 3);
//i am storing the vote details of each voters
voteDetails storage VD = _votedetails[_id];
//i checked if the vote/poll has been created, to prevent voters from wasting vote
require(VD.voteCreated == true, "invalid vote");
//set the voter to true, to prevent multiple voting
hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
//the user/voter rates here
VD.rate = _rate;
//i am inreasing the total number of vote here
VD._noOfVOte +=1;
//i am checking the rate the user entered and increasing it by 1
//@dev: if the options/choices has been increase
//you need to add an if statement to check for the options also
if (rating.good == _rate) good +=1 ;
if (rating.average == _rate) average +=1;
if (rating.bad == _rate) bad +=1;
//this function gives the results 0f the vote
function totalVote() external view returns(uint, uint, uint){
//the result is returned here
//@dev:you need to add the choice/option that you included to be able to see the result
return(bad, average, good);
//this gives the details of the votes
function getVoteDetails(uint _id) external view returns(address, string memory, uint){
voteDetails storage VD = _votedetails[_id];
//i checked if the vote/poll has been created for the id you enetring
require(VD.voteCreated == true, "invalid vote id");
//i returned the vote owners address
//The topic/goal of the vote
//The total number of vote that the poll/vote has accumulated
return(VD.voteOwnerAddress, VD.Topic, VD._noOfVOte);
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