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Last active January 16, 2022 08:36
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Normalize Data into Different Tables
T = readtable('original.csv');
% n = cellfun(@(cIn) strsplit(cIn, ','),, 'UniformOutput', false);
C = {0,0,0,0}; count = 0; U = {0,0,0,0};
for i = [4, 5, 6, 11] % Director, Cast, Countries and Genre
tab = T{:, i};
n = [T.show_id regexp(tab, ', ', 'split')];
len = cellfun(@numel, n(:,2));
repeat = repelem(n(:,1), len);
repeat = str2double(extractAfter(repeat, "s"));
t = [table(repeat, 'VariableNames', {'show_id'}) cell2table([n{:,2}]', ...
'VariableNames', string(T.Properties.VariableNames{i}))];
t(t{:,2} == "", :) = [];
% create a unique table
t_u = unique(t{:, 2});
clear a;
% create its autonumeric integer index;
idx = (1:length(string(t_u)))';
% Merge, convert to table and write
t_u = table(idx, string(t_u), 'VariableNames', {'ID',t.Properties.VariableNames{2}});
count = count+1;
% C{count} = t;
% U{count} = t_u;
writetable(t, string([T.Properties.VariableNames{i}, '.csv']));
% Create a key relationship table
clear i count idx len n repeat;
% Column Creation
duration = str2double(extractBefore(T.duration, "min"));
seasons = str2double(extractBefore(lower(T.duration), "season"));
% coutries = unique(n);
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