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Last active November 16, 2017 11:17
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  • Save UmeshSingla/59888f84b514e31a6298a00ddfdeb8d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Smush PNG to JPG, Update image paths for converted images in case it wasn't updated by plugin. Make sure to enable debug log, in order to have a log of what all images are updated.
add_action('current_screen', 'smush_update_image_url');
function smush_update_image_url() {
global $wpsmush_db;
if( !function_exists('get_current_screen')) {
$current_screen = get_current_screen();
if( empty( $current_screen ) ) {
$current_page = $current_screen->base;
echo "<!-- $current_page -->";
if ( 'media_page_wp-smush-bulk' != $current_page ) {
if( is_object( $wpsmush_db ) ) {
//get the list of converted images
$converted_images = $wpsmush_db->converted_images();
echo "<!-- <pre>";
print_r( $converted_images );
echo " </pre> -->";
if( is_array( $converted_images) && !empty( $converted_images ) ) {
//Iterate through all the image ids and Update the image URL in post content
foreach ( $converted_images as $image ) {
$updated = smush_replace_url( $image );
//Iterate over image size to request url update in post content of an attachment
function smush_replace_url( $id ) {
//Current file URL
$c_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $id );
$filepath = get_attached_file( $id );
//Get the original file path
$original_file = get_post_meta( $id, WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'original_file', true );
$pngjpg_savings = get_post_meta( $id, WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'pngjpg_savings', true );
//Return early if there are no pngjpg savings
if( empty( $pngjpg_savings) || !is_array( $pngjpg_savings ) ) {
$metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id );
$sizes = array();
if( !empty( $metadata ) && !empty( $metadata['sizes'] ) ) {
$sizes = $metadata['sizes'];
if( empty( $original_file ) ) {
//Get GUID
$guid = get_the_guid( $id );
$basename = !empty( $original_file ) ? basename( $original_file ) : basename( $guid );
$base_url = dirname( $c_url );
$png_url = $base_url . '/' . $basename;
//Iterate over various converted sizes of an attachment
foreach ( $pngjpg_savings as $image_size => $savings ) {
//If there are no savings, skip
if ( empty( $savings ) ) {
if ( 'full' == $image_size ) {
$file_png = str_replace( basename( $filepath ), basename( $png_url ), $filepath );
if ( empty( $c_url ) || empty( $png_url ) || !file_exists( $file_png ) ) {
$updated = smush_update_url( $png_url, $c_url );
} elseif ( key_exists( $image_size, $sizes ) ) {
//Only if the image size is available in registered image sizes list
$file = $sizes[ $image_size ]['file'];
echo "<!--" . $file . "-->";
$info = pathinfo( $file );
if ( ! empty( $info['filename'] ) ) {
$image_url = $base_url . '/' . $info['filename'] . '.png';
//Get the current URL for image size
$c_url = str_replace( basename( $c_url ), $file, $c_url );
$filepath = str_replace(basename($filepath), $file, $filepath );
$file_png = str_replace( basename( $filepath ), basename( $image_url ), $filepath );
if ( empty( $c_url ) || empty( $image_url ) || !file_exists( $file_png ) ) {
$updated = smush_update_url( $image_url, $c_url );
//Perform the replacement
function smush_update_url( $o_url, $c_url ) {
//Update In Post Content, Loop Over a set of posts to avoid the query failure for large sites
global $wpdb;
//Get existing Images with current URL
$file = str_replace(site_url(), '', $o_url );
$replace = str_replace(site_url(), '', $c_url );
$query = "SELECT ID, post_content FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_content LIKE '%$file%' LIMIT 10";
echo "<!--" . $query . '-->';
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A );
if ( empty( $rows ) || ! is_array( $rows ) ) {
return false;
echo "<!-- <pre>";
print_r( $rows );
echo " </pre> -->";
//Iterate over rows to update post content
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
// replace old URLs with new URLs.
$post_content = $row["post_content"];
$post_content = str_replace( $file, $replace, $post_content );
// Update Post content
return $wpdb->update(
'post_content' => $post_content,
'ID' => $row['ID'],
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