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Created December 18, 2015 09:37
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floated-list mixin
/// @group tools
/// @author Pedr Browne
/// @access public
/// Create a floated list, clearfixing the container, floating children and
/// setting spacing between them.
/// @param {String} $start-from
/// [left] Should the list be ordered from left to right or right to left?
/// Value must be either `left` or `right`.
/// @param {Number} $spacing [0]
/// The spacing between each item in the list.
/// @param {String} $spacing-position [before]
/// Should any spacing be added using a margin before or after each list item?
/// Value must be either `before` or `after`. *Note that the side will be
/// relative to the direction of the list.*
/// @param {String} $child [li]
/// The selector used to target the list items.
/// @content The properties of the list item(s).
/// @output Styles for both the list and its child list items
/// @throw `$app-invalid-value-error`
/// @example
/// @include floated-list(right, 20px, after, '.Example-li') {
/// color: $color--black;
/// }
@mixin floated-list($start-from:left, $spacing:0, $spacing-position:before, $child:li) {
// Test for accepted values
@if not index(left right, $start-from) {
$error: app-throw-error($app-invalid-value-error, "@mixin floated-list `#{$start-from}` is not a supported value for `$start-from`. Must be either `left` or `right`");
@if not index(before after, $spacing-position) {
$error: app-throw-error($app-invalid-value-error, "@mixin floated-list `#{$spacing-position}` is not a supported value for `$spacing-position`. Must be either `before` or `after`");
$margin-direction: null;
$child-cancel-position: null;
@if(($start-from == left and $spacing-position == after) or ($start-from == right and $spacing-position == before)) {
$margin-direction: right;
} @else {
$margin-direction: left;
@if(($start-from == left and $spacing-position == after) or ($start-from == right and $spacing-position == after)) {
$child-cancel-position: last-child;
} @else {
$child-cancel-position: first-child;
@include clearfix;
#{$child} {
float: $start-from;
margin-#{$margin-direction}: #{$spacing};
&:#{$child-cancel-position} {
margin-#{$margin-direction}: 0;
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