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Last active October 9, 2023 09:26
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--------------------------- MODULE gossa_v2 ---------------------------
To hit the liveness property of stuttering while still not
converged, comment out the actions Die and CorrectlyDetectDeadNode
in the Next state formula.
EXTENDS Naturals
VARIABLES running,
vars == <<running, peer_status>>
Nodes == 1..NodeCount
\* Node peer states
Alive == 1
Dead == 2
Init ==
/\ running = [node \in Nodes |-> TRUE]
/\ peer_status = [node1 \in Nodes |->
[node2 \in Nodes |-> Alive]]
Highest(status1, status2) ==
IF status1 > status2
THEN status1 ELSE status2
MergePeerState(local_node, local_ps, remote_ps) ==
[node \in Nodes |->
IF node = local_node
THEN local_ps[node]
ELSE Highest(local_ps[node], remote_ps[node])]
Gossip ==
\E source, dest \in Nodes :
LET gossip_sent == peer_status[source]
merged_on_dest == MergePeerState(
gossip_replied == merged_on_dest
merged_on_source == MergePeerState(
/\ running[source] = TRUE
/\ running[dest] = TRUE
/\ gossip_sent # peer_status[dest]
/\ peer_status' = [peer_status EXCEPT
![dest] = merged_on_dest,
![source] = merged_on_source]
/\ UNCHANGED running
Die ==
\E node \in Nodes :
/\ running[node] = TRUE
/\ running' = [running EXCEPT ![node] = FALSE]
/\ UNCHANGED peer_status
Start ==
\E node \in Nodes :
/\ running[node] = FALSE
/\ running' = [running EXCEPT ![node] = TRUE]
/\ UNCHANGED peer_status
CorrectlyDetectDeadNode ==
\E local, remote \in Nodes :
/\ local /= remote
/\ running[local] = TRUE
/\ running[remote] = FALSE
/\ peer_status[local][remote] = Alive
/\ peer_status' = [peer_status EXCEPT ![local][remote] = Dead]
/\ UNCHANGED running
FalselyDetectDeadNode ==
\E local, remote \in Nodes :
/\ local /= remote
/\ running[local] = TRUE
/\ running[remote] = TRUE
/\ peer_status[local][remote] = Alive
/\ peer_status' = [peer_status EXCEPT ![local][remote] = Dead]
/\ UNCHANGED running
Next ==
\/ Gossip
\/ Die
\/ CorrectlyDetectDeadNode
\/ FalselyDetectDeadNode
\/ Start
\* SAFETY PROPERTIES ------------
TypeOK ==
/\ running \in [Nodes -> BOOLEAN]
/\ peer_status \in [Nodes ->
[Nodes -> {Alive, Dead}]]
Converged ==
~\E local, remote \in Nodes :
/\ running[local] = TRUE
/\ \/ /\ peer_status[local][remote] = Dead
/\ running[remote] = TRUE
\/ /\ peer_status[local][remote] = Alive
/\ running[remote] = FALSE
EventuallyConverges ==
~Converged ~> Converged
Liveness ==
WF_vars(\/ Gossip
\/ CorrectlyDetectDeadNode)
\* Temporal formula
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
LivenessSpec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ Liveness
Alive == 1
Dead == 2
Highest(status1, status2) ==
IF status1 > status2
THEN status1 ELSE status2
MergePeerState(local_node, local_ps, remote_ps) ==
[node \in Nodes |->
IF node = local_node
THEN local_ps[node]
ELSE Highest(local_ps[node], remote_ps[node])]
Next ==
\/ Gossip
\* \/ Die
\* \/ CorrectlyDetectDeadNode
\/ FalselyDetectDeadNode
\* \/ Start
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