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Created December 5, 2024 11:42
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Symmetry in TLA+
----------------------------- MODULE CountersNodes -----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, TLC
CONSTANTS Counters, \* e.g. {c1, c2}
Nodes \* e.g. {n1, n2}
VARIABLES counter,
Inc(n, c) ==
/\ counter[c] < 2
/\ node' = [node EXCEPT ![n] = @ + 1]
/\ counter' = [counter EXCEPT ![c] = @ + 1]
Init ==
/\ counter = [c \in Counters |-> 0]
/\ node = [n \in Nodes |-> 0]
Next ==
\E n \in Nodes, c \in Counters :
Inc(n, c)
----------------------------- MODULE PerNodeCounter -----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, TLC
VARIABLES counter,
Inc(n, c) ==
/\ counter[c] < 2
/\ mapping[n] = c
/\ node' = [node EXCEPT ![n] = @ + 1]
/\ ok' = [ok EXCEPT ![n] = TRUE]
/\ counter' = [counter EXCEPT ![c] = @ + 1]
/\ UNCHANGED <<mapping>>
Fail(n, c) ==
/\ counter[c] < 2
/\ mapping[n] = c
/\ ok' = [ok EXCEPT ![n] = FALSE]
/\ UNCHANGED <<mapping, node, counter>>
Init ==
/\ counter = [c \in Counters |-> 0]
/\ node = [n \in Nodes |-> 0]
/\ ok = [n \in Nodes |-> TRUE]
/\ mapping = CHOOSE m \in [Nodes -> Counters] :
\A c \in Counters :
\E n \in Nodes : c = m[n]
Next ==
\E n \in Nodes, c \in Counters :
\/ Inc(n, c)
\/ Fail(n, c)
------------------------------ MODULE TwoCounters ------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers
CONSTANTS Counters \* e.g. {c1, c2}
VARIABLES counters
Inc(c) ==
/\ counters[c] < 2
/\ counters' = [counters EXCEPT ![c] = @ + 1]
Init ==
counters = [c \in Counters |-> 0]
Next ==
\E c \in Counters :
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