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Last active July 13, 2016 15:24
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
public abstract class BaseBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public T RequireComponent<T>(Action<T> a) where T : Component
T component = gameObject.GetComponent<T>();
if (component == null)
component = gameObject.AddComponent<T>();
return component;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleBehaviour : BaseBehaviour
private Rigidbody2D body;
private CircleCollider2D circle;
void Awake()
// Multiple lines of code during setup
body = RequireComponent<Rigidbody2D>(b =>
b.mass = 10;
b.drag = 1;
b.freezeRotation = true;
// Single line of code during setup
circle = RequireComponent<CircleCollider2D>(c => c.radius = 2f);
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