Save Vartkat/1b097d8e9a6ad648bd3a356be86d97af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
# This script intend to mimic TimeMachine exclude list. | |
# As the exclude list can evolve between backups it has to be rebuilt before every backup | |
# Apple uses 5 types of excludes, four from the /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/StdExclusions.plist file | |
# and files from applications where metadata says to not backup, these can be found usinf | |
# sudo mdfind "com_apple_backup_excludeItem = 'com.apple.backupd'" | |
SYSLOG=/usr/bin/syslog; | |
TEMPFILE=$1; | |
PLISTBUDDY=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy; | |
MDFIND=/usr/bin/mdfind; | |
FIND=/usr/bin/find; | |
RESTIC=/usr/local/bin/restic; | |
ECHO=/bin/echo; | |
# Verify if PlistBuddy is installed if not exit | |
if [ ! -f $PLISTBUDDY ]; then | |
$SYSLOG -s -k Facility com.apple.console Level Error Sender ResticBackupUserScript Message "Can't find PlistBuddy" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# Excludes to keep directory structure without files | |
$FIND /private/var/log -type f > $TEMPFILE | |
$FIND /private/var/spool/cups -type f >> $TEMPFILE | |
$FIND /private/var/spool/fax -type f >> $TEMPFILE | |
$FIND /private/var/spool/uucp -type f >> $TEMPFILE | |
$ECHO -e "# PathsExcluded\n#" >> $TEMPFILE | |
$PLISTBUDDY /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/StdExclusions.plist -c "Print PathsExcluded" | grep -v '{' |grep -v '}'| sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' >> $TEMPFILE | |
$ECHO -e "#\n# ContentsExcluded\n#" >> $TEMPFILE | |
$PLISTBUDDY /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/StdExclusions.plist -c "Print ContentsExcluded" | grep -v '{' |grep -v '}'| sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | sed -e 's/$/\/\*/' >> $TEMPFILE | |
$ECHO -e "#\n# UserPathsExcluded\n#" >> $TEMPFILE | |
$PLISTBUDDY /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/StdExclusions.plist -c "Print UserPathsExcluded" | grep -v '{' |grep -v '}'| sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*/\/Users\/\*\//' >> $TEMPFILE | |
$ECHO -e "#\n# Applications files excluded\n#" >> $TEMPFILE | |
$MDFIND "com_apple_backup_excludeItem = 'com.apple.backupd'" >> $TEMPFILE | |
# Exclude DocumentRevision files | |
$ECHO "/.DocumentRevisions-V100/" >> $TEMPFILE |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> | |
<plist version="1.0"> | |
<dict> | |
<key>Label</key> | |
<string>org.resticuser.daemon</string> | |
<key>UserName</key> | |
<string>root</string> | |
<key>GroupName</key> | |
<string>admin</string> | |
<key>InitGroups</key> | |
<true/> | |
<key>Program</key> | |
<string>/usr/local/sbin/resticuser.sh</string> | |
<key>RunAtLoad</key> | |
<true/> | |
<key>StandardErrorPath</key> | |
<string>/tmp/org.resticuser.daemon.stderr</string> | |
<key>StandardOutPath</key> | |
<string>/tmp/org.resticuser.daemon.stdout</string> | |
<key>StartInterval</key> | |
<integer>3600</integer> | |
<key>WorkingDirectory</key> | |
<string>/Users/YOURUSERNAME</string> | |
<key>AbandonProcessGroup</key> | |
<true/> | |
</dict> |
#!/bin/bash | |
# This script intend to optimize user dir backup by restic. | |
# It will run hourly (using launchd). Another daily script will do a complete backup. | |
# This script avoids running if another instance is already doing the job | |
# (as sometime a backup can last more than one hour, or the daily one can last). | |
# It builds a special exclude list, inspired by Apple TimeMachine exclude list before running restic. | |
# Edit lines 35 to 42 | |
WHICH=/usr/bin/which; | |
BASENAME=$($WHICH basename); | |
CAT=$($WHICH cat); | |
DATE=$($WHICH date); | |
DSCL=$($WHICH dscl); | |
ECHO=$($WHICH echo); | |
GREP=$($WHICH grep); | |
HOSTNAME=$($WHICH hostname); | |
LOGGER=$($WHICH logger); | |
MAIL=$($WHICH mail); | |
MKDIR=$($WHICH mkdir); | |
PRINTF=$($WHICH printf); | |
RESTIC=$($WHICH restic); | |
RM=$($WHICH rm); | |
SLEEP=$($WHICH sleep); | |
TOUCH=$($WHICH touch); | |
WC=$($WHICH wc); | |
TEMPDIR=/tmp/restictemp; | |
LOCKFILE=$TEMPDIR/restic.pid; | |
EXCLUDEFILE=$TEMPDIR/tmpexcl.txt; | |
LOGFILE=$TEMPDIR/restic.log; | |
ADMINMAIL=YourEmail; | |
REPO=YourRepoRef (i.e. 3:https://[email protected]/repo-name); | |
#Restic repo on Wasabi | |
export RESTIC_PASSWORD="YourResticRepoPassword" | |
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="YourResticRepository" | |
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="YourWasabiAccessKey" | |
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="YourWasabiSecretAccessKey" | |
#set -x | |
# trap handler: print location of last error and process it further | |
# | |
function my_trap_handler() | |
{ | |
MYSELF="$0" # equals to my script name | |
LASTLINE="$1" # argument 1: last line of error occurence | |
LASTERR="$2" # argument 2: error code of last command | |
$LOGGER -i -t '#ResticUser' -f /var/log/restic.log "pid="$$ "Error in line ${LASTLINE}: exit status of last command: ${LASTERR}\n" | |
$PRINTF "ResticUser encountered an error at `$DATE` in ${MYSELF}: line ${LASTLINE}: exit status of last command: ${LASTERR}\n" >> $LOGFILE | |
} | |
function my_exit_handler() | |
{ | |
$LOGGER -i -t '#ResticUser' -f /var/log/restic.log "pid="$$ "End of script. Exiting" | |
$PRINTF "Restic user script on $THISHOST ends at `$DATE`\n" >> $LOGFILE | |
$CAT $LOGFILE | $MAIL -s "Restic User script for $THISHOST" $ADMINMAIL | |
#if lockfile is mine remove temp directory | |
if [ $LOCKID -eq $$ ]; then | |
$LOGGER -i -t '#ResticUser' -f /var/log/restic.log "pid="$$ "Removing temp directory." | |
[ -d ${TEMPDIR} ] && $RM -rf ${TEMPDIR} | |
fi | |
} | |
function adduserexcludes() | |
{ | |
USERDIR=$1; | |
DESTFILE=$2; | |
#Add some user specific excludes | |
$FIND /Users/$USERDIR/.vagrant.d/ -iname '*.vmdk' 2>/dev/null>> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Documents/Compta_D_et_T/Backup/*.ova" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Documents/Compta_D_et_T/Backup/*.tgz" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/.Trash" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/*" >> $DESTFILE | |
#Add some forgotten mail V3 excludes copied from V2 | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Envelope Index" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Envelope Index-journal" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/AvailableFeeds" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/BackingStoreUpdateJournal" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Envelope Index-shm" >> $DESTFILE | |
$ECHO "/Users/$USERDIR/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Envelope Index-wal" >> $DESTFILE | |
} | |
# trap commands with non-zero exit code | |
# trap script EXIT | |
# | |
trap 'my_trap_handler ${LINENO} $?' ERR | |
trap 'my_exit_handler' EXIT | |
#Verify if lock exists | |
if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then | |
$PRINTF "Restic : Other instance running on $THISHOST at `$DATE`, Restic script exits\n" >> $LOGFILE | |
$LOGGER -i -t '#ResticUser' -f /var/log/restic.log "pid="$$ "Other instance is running, exiting." | |
exit 0 | |
fi | |
#Create a tempdir | |
if [ ! -d $TEMPDIR ]; then | |
fi | |
#Create pidfile | |
$ECHO $$ > $LOCKFILE | |
#Create system log file | |
if [ ! -f /var/log/restic.log ]; then | |
$TOUCH /var/log/restic.log | |
fi | |
#Build Exclude list | |
$PRINTF "Restic user script on $THISHOST builds exclude list at `$DATE`\n\n" >> $LOGFILE | |
source /usr/local/sbin/buildresticexcludes.sh $EXCLUDEFILE | |
#Add restic temp dir to exclude list | |
# As we're only dealing with user directory let's optimize our exclude list | |
mv $EXCLUDEFILE $TEMPDIR/temptemp.txt | |
$CAT $TEMPDIR/temptemp.txt | $GREP '/Users/*' >> $EXCLUDEFILE | |
# Find list of users | |
users=$($DSCL . list /Users | $GREP -v '^_') | |
for i in $users; do | |
# check if some file has been changed during last hour and forget about 'no such dir' errors | |
changed=$($FIND /Users/$i ! -name '.DS_Store' -type f -mmin -60 -print -quit 2>/dev/null | $WC -l) | |
if [ $changed -ne 0 ]; then | |
#As it seems better to not use wildcards in excludes we build the user specific excludes | |
adduserexcludes $i $EXCLUDEFILE | |
# do restic backup for this user | |
$LOGGER -i -t '#ResticUser' -f /var/log/restic.log "Restic backup begins" | |
$PRINTF "Backup for $THISHOST begins at `$DATE`\n" >> $LOGFILE | |
$RESTIC -r $REPO backup /Users/$i --exclude-file=$EXCLUDEFILE --tag UserDir --cleanup-cache 2>&1| tee -a $LOGFILE | |
$LOGGER -i -t '#ResticUser' -f /var/log/restic.log "Restic backup ends" | |
$PRINTF "Backup for $THISHOST ends at `$DATE`\n" >> $LOGFILE | |
fi | |
done | |
exit 0 |
@Vartkat, what is the intention of these lines? https://gist.github.com/Vartkat/1b097d8e9a6ad648bd3a356be86d97af#file-resticsuser-sh-L13-L28
That's a way to ensure the script finds the executables wherever they are on your system.
afaik which
use PATH
to find executables anyway. In which situations will this be different than just using the executable name in place of each variable (ignoring cases where a new binary is added to a directory earlier in PATH)?
Nice project :-)
Are you still planning a daily complete backup?
Thanks, yes, that's what I did. A hourly backup for the user home and a daily for the complete host. I didn't work on it since a few month, I was struggling with the virtual machine part where you have to shutdown the VM before backing up anything.
In which situations will this be different than just using the executable name in place of each variable (ignoring cases where a new binary is added to a directory earlier in PATH)?
I don't knwow, I'm not a pro devel, I just found it on some examples and find it clean writing. Perhaps it's only necessary on Linux...
Forgot to say: thanks for this super script! I'm using it myself now.
Cleaned the buildresticexcludes-sh
script up: https://gist.github.com/huyz/a3711154a5ac476f06240e13a148fcf6#file-buildresticexcludes-sh
Anyone update to Big Sur yet? StdExclusions.plist is not a thing anymore. I took a look in backupd and seems like the exclusion rules are a bit more complex, but do get written out to the backup location.
This is painful to read. 👎
I did some research and it seems that the list is kept only at the top level of each time machine backup for Big Sur and beyond.
CCC maintains a list here. Will this work?
The CCC list isn't sufficient as it won't include the exclusions that you've manually added. This script above will include the exceptions that you've added for Time Machine.
For anyone stumbling upon this: The legacy StdExclusions.plist
was removed in macOS Ventura (13.x) and remains unavailable in Sequoia... so the script above does not work anymore.
This script builds an exclude list for restic. It mimics the list used by Apple's TimeMachine backup.
It's called before each backup by restic.
I've added to the Apple list, the /.DocumentRevisions-V100/ directory which holds backups of not saved files during editing.
This last line can be commented.
As I plan to do a hourly user dir backup and a daily complete backup, the resticuser.sh script adds some user excludes to the list built by the buildresticexcludes.sh script.
To use these scripts
$ sudo mv resticuser.sh /usr/local/sbin/resticuser.sh
$ sudo mv buildresticexcludes.sh /usr/local/sbin/buildresticexcludes.sh
$ sudo mv org.resticuser.daemon.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.resticuser.daemon.plist
$ sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.resticuser.daemon.plist