- edit .bashrc to have
export TERM=xterm-256color
- edit .bashrc to have
- Test cluster:
- Bucephalus - 6 cores
- node1 - 4 cores
- NAS benchmarks
- MPI - Message Passing Interface
- NFS - Network Filesystem
- NIS - Account Credentials
- Message Passing Interface
- Parallel Programming wih MPI - Pacheo
- Message Passing Interface Standard (V. 2.1)
- Implementations:
- OpenMPI
- Mpich2
- Book Online by Ian Foster
$ mpirun -np 3 ./program # start program on 3 processes (0 indexed)
+ `-np {num processors}`
$ rsh node1 # go onto specific node
$ rsh node1 "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor" # send commands to node without loggin in, in this case it shows the amount of processors
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo # shows cpu info
$ df # shows filesystem info
can put machines available in a file named machines
$ mpirun -np 4 --map-by node -hostfile ./machines ./hello # run processes on 4 processors on select machine (in `machines`) and run `hello`
- PBS/torque
- $ qsub {batch file} # runs job
- $ qstat # see stats of processes running
- run qsub on batch file to run it
- Batch Files:
- shell file with special
- shell file with special
$ -N {name} -> names process
$ -q batch -> submits to batch queue
$ cat prog.o{proc num}
-> cat two.o71
#Get batch process output
Functions y = f(x) Subroutines call fn(x)
##May 31
- Xming - X11 Env for (windows?)
Enable X11 Forwaring
[in putty] to allow x11 windows to be used over SSH
- Fortran arrays are 1-indexed
- Fortran variable are global scope, and when passed in a function are directly mutated by all operations on such.
- (Acts as if there were passed through as a pointer/reference in c)
- C is "pass-by-value" // C mimics pass-by-reference with arrays to keep things effeceint and prevent massive memory duplication
- value is transferred to function
- F90 is "pass-by-referece"
- address is transferred to function
- C stores data by rows (in 2D matrices)
y1 = a11*x1 + a12*x2 + ... + a1n*xn is faster in c
- F90 stores data by columns (in 2D matrices)
In C, it mimic a pointer when passing an array as an argument, and thus an index can change in a function This is because, in C, arrays are treated as a wrapping of a multi-indexed pointer
###Fortran Code:
if (rank .eq. 0) then
sum = subtotal ( root subtotal )
do i=1,3
MPI_Rrev(subtotal, i) ( from i )
sum = sum + subtotal
print *, "The answer is _", sum
sum(i) = sum(i) + sum(i+1)
else ....
Excercise: 3 ways to communicate integral(sin(x)):
- Point-to-point send() and recv()
##June 14
to prevent multiple threads from being initialized if number of requested processes is greater than number of provided processors * cores- Lecture notes available here
##July 5
Find memory/processor info of a system/node:
cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
dmesg | grep interface
ifconfig -a
`hostname` automatically is converted to the server's hostname
contains logs, shows batch scheduling errors
##July 12
Find computer host name and specific os information:
uname -a