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Last active January 4, 2025 11:23
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Speed test. Warning: Please read first comment
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
int32_t some_calculations(int32_t number) {
std::vector<int32_t> a;
std::unordered_set<int32_t> s;
// This is the fraction that PyPy uses:
// You can go faster by making this even smaller,
// but I'm already letting C++ use 32 bit integers
// and calling reserve on the vector.
int32_t x = 0;
for (int32_t i=0; i<number; ++i) {
x += i;
int item = i%2 ? -x : x;
int32_t tot = 0;
for (auto x=std::begin(a); x != std::end(a); ++x) {
for (auto y=std::next(x); y != std::end(a); ++y) {
if (-(*x+*y) != *x && -(*x+*y) != *y && s.find(-(*x+*y)) != std::end(s)) {
return tot / 3;
int main(int, char **) {
int32_t tot = 0;
for (int i=0; i<500; ++i) {
tot += some_calculations(i);
std::cout << tot << std::endl;
def some_calculations(number):
a = []
x = 0
for i in range(number):
x += i;
a.append(-x if i%2 else x);
s = set(a)
tot = 0
for i, x in enumerate(a):
for y in a[i+1:]:
if -(x + y) not in (x, y) and -(x + y) in s:
tot += 1
return tot // 3
print(sum(map(some_calculations, range(500))))
Graph the time to run the input commands.
Usage: <n> <command>...
import docopt
import numpy
import resource
import seaborn
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from matplotlib import pyplot
options = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
repeats = int(options["<n>"])
except ValueError:
print("<n> has to be an integer.")
raise SystemExit
datas = []
# Time
for raw_command in options["<command>"]:
command = shlex.split(raw_command)
data = [resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN).ru_utime]
for i in range(repeats):
print("\r{}: {} of {}".format(raw_command, i+1, repeats), end="")
# Plot
figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(24, 6))
seaborn.set(style="white", font_scale=2)
for command, data in zip(options["<command>"], datas):
times = numpy.diff(data)
kde_kws={"clip": (min(times), max(times))},
hist_kws={"histtype": "stepfilled", "alpha": 0.2}
pyplot.title("Time to run")
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alex commented Sep 23, 2014

@jkholodnov That wouldn't be in: a) PyPy doesn't have that optimization, b) the reason CPython has that optimization is that int objects are Python objects which are allocated and stored on the heap, for C++, int and friends are just words on the stack, no need for heap allocation, and therefore no need to optimize away allocations.

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AKJ7 commented May 5, 2019

I know that this gist is old, but why didn't yo use the optimized C++ compilation?

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mmd18cury commented Jan 2, 2025

/Ofast flag should be used for the best speed instead of /O3: Also there're tens of those flags, we should either compare nonchanged STL version with no modification to python wih no imports and all options left default, or versions as heavily optimized as possible. We've chosen the second way, so we should try that variety of compiler flags both for C++ and Python and to try nonstandard classes implementations if used - STL is notorious for its bad implementations. There should probably be some extra flags for optimizing calculations with floating point numbers and division not included in Ofast, though I'm not sure.
Looking at stats make me supposing the bottleneck is somewhere in wrong/not optimized instructions chosen for the platform by compiler/STL, because all stats are much better for C++, but cycles are worse, it means some instructions took extra cycles. But those theories should be checked by profiling of cause.
P.S. I don't say Python is bad, I love how you make an approximately same speed with much much less effort.

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