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Created December 8, 2022 12:07
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TOP 1
#define BOT 2
struct node
char plate [15] ;
struct node *link ;
} *front[5], *rear[5] ;
char plate[15], temp[15] ;
int i ;
void add_dq ( struct node**, struct node**, int, char* ) ;
char* del_dq ( struct node**, struct node**, int ) ;
void push ( struct node**, char* ) ;
char* pop ( struct node** ) ;
void q_display ( struct node * ) ;
void main( )
char ad ;
int s, lane = -1, min, lc,c ;
printf("\n////////////////// Welcome to Parking Lot ///////////////////// \n");
printf("Here are the lanes available\n");
while ( 1 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
printf( "lane %d: ", i ) ;
q_display ( front[i] ) ;
printf("Please enter any of the following letter to park your car :\n");
printf( "\nArrival/Departure/Quit? ( A/D/Q ): " ) ;
ad = getch( ) ;
if ( toupper ( ad ) == 'Q' )
exit ( 1 ) ;
printf ( "\nEnter license plate number :" ) ;
gets ( plate ) ;
ad = toupper ( ad ) ;
if ( ad == 'A' ) /* arrival of car */
lane = -1 ; /* assume no lane is available */
min = 10 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
s = count ( front[i] ) ;
if ( s < min )
min = s ;
lane = i ;
if ( lane == -1 )
printf ( "\nNo room available" ) ;
add_dq ( &front[ lane ], &rear[ lane ], BOT, plate ) ;
printf ( "\ncar parked at lane %d slot %d\n", lane, s ) ;
if ( ad == 'D' ) /* departure of car */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i )
s = search ( front[i], plate ) ;
if ( s != -1 )
lane = i ;
break ;
if ( i == 5 )
//del_dq ( &front[ lane ], &rear[ lane ], s ) ;
printf ( "\nno such car has being parked !!\n" ) ;
printf ( "\n car found at lane %d slot %d\n and Car Departured\n", lane, s ) ;
del_dq ( &front[ lane ], &rear[ lane ], s ) ;
if ( ad == 'Q' )
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* adds a new element at the end of queue */
void add_dq ( struct node **f, struct node **r, int tb, char *p )
struct node *q ;
/* create new node */
q = ( struct node * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
strcpy ( q -> plate, p ) ;
q -> link = NULL ;
/* if the queue is empty */
if ( *f == NULL )
*f = q ;
if ( tb == BOT )
( *r ) -> link = q ;
q -> link = *f ;
*f = q ;
return ;
*r = q ;
char* del_dq ( struct node **f, struct node **r, int n )
struct node *q, *top = NULL ;
/* if queue is empty */
if ( *f == NULL )
printf ( "queue is empty" ) ;
return 1;
if ( n == 0 )
strcpy ( temp, ( *f ) -> plate ) ;
q = *f ;
*f = ( *f ) -> link ;
free ( q ) ;
return temp ;
/* locate node */
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
/* drive out cars */
push ( &top, ( *f ) -> plate ) ;
/* delete the node */
q = *f ;
*f = q -> link ;
free ( q ) ;
/* delete the nth node */
q = *f ;
*f = q -> link ;
free ( q ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
strcpy ( temp, pop ( &top ) ) ;
/* add the node */
add_dq ( f, r, TOP, temp ) ;
int count ( struct node *q )
int c = 0 ;
/* traverse the entire linked list */
while ( q!= NULL )
q = q -> link ;
c++ ;
return c ;
int search ( struct node *q, char *p )
int s = -1, c = 0 ;
while ( q != NULL )
if ( strcmp ( p, q -> plate ) == 0 )
s = c ;
break ;
q = q -> link ;
c++ ;
return ( s ) ;
/* adds a new element to the top of stack */
void push ( struct node **s, char* item )
struct node *q ;
q = ( struct node* ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;
strcpy ( q -> plate, item ) ;
q -> link = *s ;
*s = q ;
/* removes an element from top of stack */
char* pop ( struct node **s )
struct node *q ;
/* if stack is empty */
if ( *s == NULL )
return NULL ;
q = *s ;
strcpy ( temp, q -> plate ) ;
*s = q -> link ;
free ( q ) ;
return ( temp ) ;
void q_display ( struct node *q )
while( q != NULL )
printf ( " %s", q -> plate ) ;
q = q -> link ;
printf ( "\n" ) ;
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