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Generate lots of Wireguard configuration for your ProtonVPN Account.
import http.client
import http.cookies
import json
import base64
import hashlib
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import x25519
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
# Credentials (found in Headers and Cookies)
auth_server = "------" # See `x-pm-uid` header
auth_token = "------" # See `AUTH-<x-pm-uid>` cookie
session_id = "------" # See `Session-Id` cookie
web_app_version = "[email protected]" # See `x-pm-appversion` header
# Settings
prefix = "PREFIX" # Prefix is used for config file and name in ProtonVPN Dashboard
output_dir = "./"
selected_countries = ["CH"]
selected_tier = 2 # 0 = Free, 2 = Plus
selected_features = [ ] # Features that a server should have ("P2P", "TOR", "SecureCore", "XOR", etc) or not ("-P2P", etc)
max_servers = 2 # Maximum of generated config
listing_only = False # Do not generate config, just list available servers with previous selectors
config_features = {
"SafeMode": False,
"SplitTCP": True,
"PortForwarding": True,
"RandomNAT": False,
"NetShieldLevel": 0, # 0, 1 or 2
# Contants
connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
C = http.cookies.SimpleCookie()
C["AUTH-"+auth_server] = auth_token
C["Session-Id"] = session_id
headers = {
"x-pm-appversion": web_app_version,
"x-pm-uid": auth_server,
"Accept": "application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json",
"Cookie": C.output(attrs=[],header="", sep="; ")
def generateKeys():
"""Generate a client key-pair using the API. Could be generated offline but need more work..."""
print("Generating key-pair...")
connection.request("GET", "/api/vpn/v1/certificate/key/EC", headers=headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
print("Status: {} and reason: {}".format(response.status, response.reason))
resp = json.loads(
priv = resp["PrivateKey"].split("\n")[1]
pub = resp["PublicKey"].split("\n")[1]
print("Key generated:")
print("priv:", priv)
print("pub:", pub)
return [resp["PrivateKey"], pub, priv]
def getPubPEM(priv):
"""Return the Public key as string without headers"""
return priv[1]
def getPrivPEM(priv):
"""Return the Private key as PKCS#8 without headers"""
return priv[2]
def getPrivx25519(priv):
"""Return the x25519 base64-encoded private key, to be used in Wireguard config."""
hash__ = hashlib.sha512(base64.b64decode(priv[2])[-32:]).digest()
hash_ = list(hash__)[:32]
hash_[0] &= 0xf8
hash_[31] &= 0x7f
hash_[31] |= 0x40
new_priv = base64.b64encode(bytes(hash_)).decode()
return new_priv
def registerConfig(server, priv):
"""Register a Wireguard configuration and return its raw response."""
h = headers.copy()
h["Content-Type"]= "application/json"
print("Registering Config for server", server["Name"],"...")
body = {
"ClientPublicKey": getPubPEM(priv),
"Mode": "persistent",
"DeviceName": prefix+"-"+server["Name"],
"Features": {
"peerName": server["Name"],
"peerIp": server["Servers"][0]["EntryIP"],
"peerPublicKey": server["Servers"][0]["X25519PublicKey"],
"platform": "Windows",
# You can add features there (PortForwarding, SplitTCP, ModerateNAT
# See
"SafeMode": config_features["SafeMode"],
"SplitTCP": config_features["SplitTCP"],
"PortForwarding": config_features["PortForwarding"] if server["Features"] & 4 == 4 else False,
"RandomNAT": config_features["RandomNAT"],
"NetShieldLevel": config_features["NetShieldLevel"], # 0, 1 or 2
connection.request("POST", "/api/vpn/v1/certificate", body=json.dumps(body), headers=h)
response = connection.getresponse()
print("Status: {} and reason: {}".format(response.status, response.reason))
resp = json.loads(
return resp
def generateConfig(priv, register):
"""Generate a Wireguard config using the ProtonVPN API answer."""
conf = """[Interface]
# Key for {prefix}
PrivateKey = {priv}
Address =
# {server_name}
PublicKey = {server_pub}
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = {server_endpoint}:51820
""".format(prefix=prefix, priv=getPrivx25519(priv), server_name=register["Features"]["peerName"], server_pub=register["Features"]["peerPublicKey"], server_endpoint=register["Features"]["peerIp"])
return conf
def write_config_to_disk(name, conf):
f = open(output_dir+"/"+name+".conf", "w")
# VPN Listings
connection.request("GET", "/api/vpn/logicals", headers=headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
print("Status: {} and reason: {}".format(response.status, response.reason))
servers = json.loads(["LogicalServers"]
for s in servers:
feat = [
"SecureCore" if s["Features"] & 1 == 1 else "-SecureCore",
"TOR" if s["Features"] & 2 == 2 else "-TOR",
"P2P" if s["Features"] & 4 == 4 else "-P2P",
"XOR" if s["Features"] & 8 == 8 else "-XOR",
"IPv6" if s["Features"] & 16 == 16 else "-IPv6"
if (not s["EntryCountry"] in selected_countries and not s["ExitCountry"] in selected_countries) or s["Tier"] != selected_tier:
if len(list(filter(lambda sf: not (sf in feat), selected_features))) > 0:
print("- Server", s["Name"])
print(" > ID:", s["ID"])
print(" > EntryCountry:", s["EntryCountry"])
print(" > ExitCountry:", s["ExitCountry"])
print(" > Tier:", s["Tier"])
print(" > Features:")
print(" - SecureCore:", "Y" if s["Features"] & 1 == 1 else "N")
print(" - Tor:", "Y" if s["Features"] & 2 == 2 else "N")
print(" - P2P:", "Y" if s["Features"] & 4 == 4 else "N")
print(" - XOR:", "Y" if s["Features"] & 8 == 8 else "N")
print(" - IPv6:", "Y" if s["Features"] & 16 == 16 else "N")
print(" > Score:", s["Score"])
print(" > Load:", s["Load"])
print(" > Status:", s["Status"])
print(" > Instance:")
for i in s["Servers"]:
print(" - Instance n°",i["Label"],":", i["ID"])
print(" > EntryIP:", i["EntryIP"])
print(" > ExitIP:", i["ExitIP"])
print(" > Domain:", i["Domain"])
print(" > X25519PublicKey:", i["X25519PublicKey"])
if not listing_only:
keys = generateKeys()
reg = registerConfig(s, keys)
config = generateConfig(keys, reg)
write_config_to_disk(reg["DeviceName"], config)
if (max_servers <= 0):
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