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Created March 10, 2022 06:18
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prints ovs port info for given ip[s]
function port_neutron_obj {
cat neutron_port.json | jq ".[] | select(.fixed_ips | contains(\"$1\"))"
function port_ovs_obj {
IND_EXT_IDS=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq '.headings | index("external_ids")')
IND_OFPORT=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq '.headings | index("ofport")')
IND_DEVNAME=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq '.headings | index("name")')
cat ovs_port.json | jq ".data[] | select(.[13][1][] | contains([\"iface-id\", \"$1\"]))"
function port_uuid {
obj=$(cat neutron_port.json | jq ".[] | select(.fixed_ips | contains(\"$IP\"))")
echo $obj | jq -r '.id'
function port_ovsid {
IND_EXT_IDS=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq '.headings | index("external_ids")')
IND_OFPORT=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq '.headings | index("ofport")')
IND_DEVNAME=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq '.headings | index("name")')
obj=$(cat ovs_port.json | jq ".data[] | select(.[13][1][] | contains([\"iface-id\", \"$UUID\"]))")
echo $obj | jq ".[$IND_OFPORT]"
for ip in $IPs
neutron_obj=$(port_neutron_obj $ip)
mac=$(echo $neutron_obj | jq -r '.mac_address')
ovs_obj=$(port_ovs_obj $(echo "$neutron_obj" | jq -r .id))
port_uuid=$(port_uuid $ip)
port_ovsid=$(port_ovsid $port_uuid)
devname=$(echo "$ovs_obj" | jq -r ".[$IND_DEVNAME]")
echo $ip: uuid: $port_uuid, ovsid: $port_ovsid, mac: $mac 1>&2
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