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Last active January 23, 2025 13:10
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The Collapse Monad
import Control.Monad (ap, forM_)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- The Collapse Monad
-- ------------------
-- The Collapse Monad allows collapsing a value with labelled superpositions
-- into a flat list of superposition-free values. It is like the List Monad,
-- except that, instead of always doing a cartesian product, it will perform
-- pairwise merges of distant parts of your program that are "entangled"
-- under the same label. Examples:
-- - collapse (&0{1 2}, 3) == [(1,3), (2,3)]
-- - collapse (&0{1 2}, &0{3 4}) == [(1,3), (2,4)]
-- - collapse (&0{1 2}, &1{3 4}) == [(1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4)]
-- - collapse (&0{1 2}, &1{3 4}, 5) == [(1,3,5), (1,4,5), (2,3,5), (2,4,5)]
-- Note how the second line above doesn't return the full cartesian product of
-- {1 2} and {3 4}; instead, it combines elements pairwise, because both
-- superpositions have the same label. I'm posting this file as a template to
-- recall later. This algorithm is used to flatten HVM3's results, which can be
-- superposed, back to a list of λ-terms without superpositions.
-- A bit-string
data Bin
= O Bin
| I Bin
| E
deriving Show
-- A Collapse is a tree of superposed values
data Collapse a = Sup Int (Collapse a) (Collapse a) | Val a
-- The Collapse Monad
-- Note: could be optimized using an IntMap instead of a List
bind :: Collapse a -> (a -> Collapse b) -> Collapse b
bind a f = fork a (repeat (\x -> x)) where
fork (Val v) paths = pass (f v) (map (\x -> x E) paths)
fork (Sup k x y) paths = Sup k (fork x (mut k putO paths)) (fork y (mut k putI paths))
pass (Val v) paths = Val v
pass (Sup k x y) paths = case paths !! k of
E -> Sup k x y
O p -> pass x (mut k (\_->p) paths)
I p -> pass y (mut k (\_->p) paths)
putO bs = \x -> bs (O x)
putI bs = \x -> bs (I x)
-- Collapses a Term and flattens into a list
flatten :: Collapse a -> [a]
flatten (Val x) = [x]
flatten (Sup _ x y) = flatten x ++ flatten y
-- Mutates an element at given index in a list
mut :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mut 0 f (x:xs) = f x : xs
mut n f (x:xs) = x : mut (n-1) f xs
mut _ _ [] = []
instance Functor Collapse where
fmap f (Val v) = Val (f v)
fmap f (Sup k x y) = Sup k (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
instance Applicative Collapse where
pure = Val
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Collapse where
return = pure
(>>=) = bind
-- Example
-- -------
-- Collapsing a simple DSL with Superpositions
-- A simple DSL with tuples, numbers and superpositions
data Term
= TNum Int -- number
| TTup Term Term -- tuple
| TSup Int Term Term -- superposition
-- Shows a term with superpositions
showTerm :: Term -> String
showTerm (TNum n) = show n
showTerm (TTup x y) = "(" ++ showTerm x ++ "," ++ showTerm y ++ ")"
showTerm (TSup k a b) = "&" ++ show k ++ "{" ++ showTerm a ++ " " ++ showTerm b ++ "}"
-- A Collapser for our DSL
-- - On normal values, we just use `<-`
-- - On superpositons, we return a Sup
collapse :: Term -> Collapse Term
collapse (TNum x) = do
return $ TNum x
collapse (TTup l r) = do
l <- collapse l
r <- collapse r
return $ TTup l r
collapse (TSup k a b) =
Sup k (collapse a) (collapse b)
-- Test program
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Builds the term ((&0{1 2},&1{3 4}),(&0{5 6},&1{7 8}))
let tup0 = TTup (TSup 0 (TNum 1) (TNum 2)) (TSup 1 (TNum 3) (TNum 4))
let tup1 = TTup (TSup 0 (TNum 5) (TNum 6)) (TSup 1 (TNum 7) (TNum 8))
let term = TTup tup0 tup1
-- Collapses it
let coll = flatten (collapse term)
-- Prints the sup-free term list
forM_ coll $ \ term ->
putStrLn $ showTerm term
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