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Created March 17, 2015 18:44
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  • Save Victorious3/f89ceb4c4e5cdff59905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Victorious3/f89ceb4c4e5cdff59905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gui testGUI = new Gui("testgui").setPreferredSize(300, 200)
.add(new Button("testbutton2", "I'm EAST")
.setMaximumSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 120)
.onEvent((event, component) -> {
System.out.println("Test button pressed! " + Side.get());
}, ActionEvent.class, Side.BOTH), Anchor.EAST)
.add(new Container("centerContainer").setLayout(new FixedLayout())
.add(new Button("notherbutton", "It's all relative..."), "north: 50% west: 20")
.add(new Label("notherlabel", "Some random text here").setBackground(new Background(, "north: 50% east: 50%")
.add(new Button("testbutton4", "I'm SOUTH"), Anchor.SOUTH)
.add(new Container("container")
.add(new Container("container").setLayout(new FlowLayout())
.add(new Button("testbutton5", "I'm the FIRST Button and need lots of space"))
.add(new Label("testlabel1", "I'm some label hanging around").setBackground(new Background(Color.white)))
.add(new Button("testbutton7", "I'm THIRD"))
.add(new Button("testbutton8", "I'm FOURTH"))
.add(new Button("close", "X")
.onEvent((event, component) -> guiFactory.closeGui(), ActionEvent.class)
, Anchor.EAST)
, Anchor.NORTH)
.onGuiEvent((event) -> {
System.out.println("Test GUI initialized! " + event.player.getDisplayName() + " " + event.position);
}, BindEvent.class)
.onGuiEvent((event) -> {
System.out.println("Test GUI closed!");
}, UnBindEvent.class);
guiFactory.registerGui(testGUI, id);
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