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VillainsRule / bazaar scraper.txt
Last active July 20, 2024 21:40
scrapes blacket usernames off the bazaar
this scrapes a list of blacket usernames off the bazaar.
this requires the axios package and a new-ish node.js version.
don't forget to fill out 'username' and 'password'.
a demo list of usernames is provided.
if you don't see the script, scroll past all the usernames.
VillainsRule /
Created July 1, 2024 12:03
the shell shockers admin code.

yup, this holds the JS for the shell shockers admin panel.
have fun!

This file hosts an unmodified and obfuscated version of BetterBlacket v2.1.1b.
This file is placed here as a memory to what was previously a formidable mod.
Parts of this code are in violation of Blacket Terms of Service. Despite this,
we trust that you can be smart enough to not use it without editing code first.
The "logger" that previously allowed remote execution has been dead since 1/1/24,
and cannot be run in the previous way that it was, so you're safe from that.
VillainsRule / gtb.js
Created June 14, 2024 12:07
blacket guess the blook automator!
let lowerCaseBlooks = {};
Object.keys(blacket.blooks).forEach((blook) => {
lowerCaseBlooks[blook.toLowerCase()] = blacket.blooks[blook];
blacket.socket.on('messages-create', (m) => {
let content =;
if (content.match(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g)) {
let match = content.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g, (match, blook) => {
if (!"use_blook_emojis")) return;
<ModulePrefs title="[NAME HERE]" />
<Content type="html">
<iframe src="[WEBSITE HERE]" style="width: 100%;height:100%;border:none;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;" />


Mockery is a selfbot that mocks people on Discord.


  1. Copy script.js and package.json (below) into a new directory.
  2. Create a file named token.txt and paste a Discord account token inside.
  3. Make sure Node and NPM are installed, and then run npm i in the script's directory.

Filter Bypasses

These are a ton of Unicode "look-alikes", meaning they can be used to bypass bad filters.

Character Fakes
a а
b 𝖻
c с