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Created March 21, 2014 00:59
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Breathalyzer using Alcohol Gas Sensor with Arduino
#define qtyLED 6 //Declare the quantity of LED's for the bar graph
int LEDs[qtyLED]; //Array to store the states of the LEDs
int sensorPin = 0; //Variable that will hold the current value of the sensor
int time; //Variable that will hold the amount of time for the sensor to be read
int maxreading; //Variable to store the maximum value read during the last reading
//For loop counting variables
int i;
int j;
void setup()
//Initialize the counting variables
while(i < qtyLED) //While i is less than the number of defined LED's
{ // the value of i+2 in the LEDs array. we add 2 so that it represents one of our digital pins
LEDs[i] = j;
for(i=0;i<qtyLED;i++) //Define the LED Pins as outputs. In this case 2->7
pinMode(LEDs[i], OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //Define pin 13 as an output so we can show when we are not taking a reading from the sensor(Blinkin
//...Or when we are taking a reading from the sensor (Solid)
void loop()
PORTB = PORTB ^ 100000; //Invert pin 13 to give the LED a blinking effect
delay(100); //Delay so that the user can see the blinking happen
int sensor = analogRead(sensorPin); //Read the sensors value and store it in the sensor variable
if(sensor >= 40) //If the value is less that 40(value for the chemical being used in this example)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Turn on the blue LED indecating that the sensor detected a minimal amount of alcohol (sensor >= 40)
maxreading = 0; //Initiate the max reading to 0
for(time = 0;time <= 5000;time++) //Read the sensor for 5 seconds
{ //...every millisecond update the value of the max reading of the sensor
int sensor = analogRead(sensorPin);
if(sensor > maxreading)
maxreading = sensor;
digitalWrite(13, LOW); //As soon as the reading is complete turn off the blue LED
int level = map(maxreading, 0, 200, 0, qtyLED); //Map the value from 0 to 200(reading from sensor) to 0 and the number of LEDs which is 6
//...0 to 6(LEDs) level determines how many of them turn on.
for(i=0;i<qtyLED;i++) //Compare all the leds current state with the value of the level that was read
{ //if for example the level read was 5, then LEDs 2->6 would turn on.
if (i < level) //If the current LED being checked is less that the level
digitalWrite(LEDs[i], HIGH); //...Turn it on
else //If the current LED being checked is higher than the level
digitalWrite(LEDs[i], LOW); //...Turn it off
delay(10000); //Wait 10 seconds for the user to get the reading from the led bar graph
for(i=0;i<qtyLED;i++) //Turn off all the LEDs
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