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Last active October 31, 2018 11:52
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Задачи на Дерево Отрезков (ДО)


  1. Классика
  2. Ленивое обновление
  3. ДО на векторе
  4. Оффлайн запросы
  5. ДО + ДП
  6. ДО + Битмаски
  7. ДО над деревом


339D - Xenia and Bit Operations

356A - Knight Tournament

459D - Pashmak and Parmida's problem

61E - Enemy is weak

380C - Sereja and Brackets

474F - Ant colony

292E - Copying Data

501D - Misha and Permutations Summation

220E - Little Elephant and Inversions

338E - Optimize!

19D - Points

351D - Jeff and Removing Periods

515E - Drazil and Park

540E - Infinite Inversions

609F - Frogs and mosquitoes

594D - REQ

455E - Function

Ленивое обновление

52C - Circular RMQ

145E - Lucky Queries

558E - A Simple Task

240F - TorCoder

446C - DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers

115E - Linear Kingdom Races

438D - The Child and Sequence

121E - Lucky Array

610E - Alphabet Permutations

580E - Kefa and Watch

ДО на векторе

369E - Valera and Queries

610D - Vika and Segments

Оффлайн запросы

301D - Yaroslav and Divisors

500E - New Year Domino


474E - Pillars

597C - Subsequences

56E - Domino Principle

ДО с битмасками

482B - Interesting Array

242E - XOR on Segment

ДО над деревом

383C - Propagating tree

343D - Water Tree

173E - Camping Groups

276E - Little Girl and Problem on Trees

396C - On Changing Tree

516D - Drazil and Morning Exercise

375D - Tree and Queries

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