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Vincent Riesop Vincinator

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Vincinator /
Created February 19, 2025 10:50
Extract download URL of kernel package for a given Garden Linux version + architecture
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
shift 2
"{\"level\":\"debug\",\"time\":\"2024-07-03T08:49:07.988227Z\",\"msg\":\"istio-cni CmdAdd config: &{NetConf:{CNIVersion:0.3.1 Name:k8s-pod-network Type:istio-cni Capabilities:map[] IPAM:{Type:} DNS:{Nameservers:[] Domain: Search:[] Options:[]} RawPrevResult:map[] PrevResult:0xc000548840} LogLevel:debug LogUDSAddress:/var/run/istio-cni/log.sock CNIEventAddress:/var/run/istio-cni/pluginevent.sock AmbientEnabled:false Kubernetes:{Kubeconfig:/etc/cni/net.d/ZZZ-istio-cni-kubeconfig InterceptRuleMgrType: ExcludeNamespaces:[istio-system kube-system]}}\",\"if\":\"eth0\"}
{\"level\":\"debug\",\"time\":\"2024-07-03T08:49:07.988298Z\",\"msg\":\"istio-cni CmdAdd previous result: &{CNIVersion:1.0.0 Interfaces:[{Name:cali75743a7e6b3 Mac: Sandbox:}] IPs:[{Interface:<nil> Address:{IP: Mask:ffffffff} Gateway:<nil>}] Routes:[] DNS:{Nameservers:[] Domain: Search:[] Options:[]}}\"}
{\"level\":\"debug\",\"time\":\"2024-07-03T08:49:07.989044Z\",\"msg\":\"istio-cni set up kubernetes client with kubeconfig /etc/cni/net.d
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Retrieving InRelease
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Checking Release signature
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Valid Release signature (key id DEFD381C63B6BCA7BCCA5E7AD29C802475EDA2FB)
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Retrieving Packages
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Validating Packages
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Retrieving Packages
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Validating Packages
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
[2024-04-30 07:18:07] I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
[2024-04-30 07:18:08] I: Checking component main on

Core package upgrades

  • linux 6.6
  • systemd 255.4-1
  • runc 1.1.12+ds1-1
  • container 1.6.24~ds1-1
  • libc6 2.37-15

Breaking Changes

Changelog from 934 to 1312

major package upgrades of important packages

  • linux kernel 5.15 => 6.1
  • runc 1.1.5 => 1.1.10
  • systemd 251 => 254
  • glibc 2.35 => 2.37
--- 934.10.filtered.packages 2024-02-14 16:48:37
+++ 1312.1.filtered.packages 2024-02-14 16:48:24
@@ -1,299 +1,515 @@
+Package: acl
+Version: 2.3.1-3
Package: adduser
-Version: 3.129
+Version: 3.137
+Package: aglfn
+Version: 1.7+git20191031.4036a9c-2
set -e
# Docker CE for Linux installation script
# See for the installation steps.
# This script is meant for quick & easy install via:
# $ curl -fsSL -o
# $ sh
Vincinator /
Last active January 11, 2023 16:31
Use Debian Mirror directly for Garden Linux builds

Garden Linux Packages are managed via apt. The Garden Linux builder downloads packages usually via the garden linux apt repository However, as a developer you might want to try out debian packages not yet included in the garden linux apt repo.

You have multiple options to get your debian package in your Garden Linux build

  1. Set the BUILD_OPTS="--debian-mirror" developer parameter for your make targets
    • Example: BUILD_OPTS="--debian-mirror" make openstack
    • This allows packages to be included from debian repositories
  2. Create a folder called local_packages/ and place the deb files in that folder
Vincinator /
Created November 4, 2022 14:08
export TODO_SPACE="$HOME/workspace/personal/todo"
function vitodo(){
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        vim $TODO_SPACE/$(date +'%d_%m_%y')
        vim $TODO_SPACE/$1
Vincinator / 14_12_1220_syndrome_list.log
Created December 30, 2018 19:06 — forked from lukego/14_12_1220_syndrome_list.log
Mellanox error syndrome lists
BAD_RES_STATE | 0x25B161 | destroy_ctx - context doesn't exist or doesn't match type
BAD_RES_STATE | 0x4A6FC9 | destroy_ctx - context in use
BAD_RES_STATE | 0x60DA55 | destroy_dct - dct not in drained state
BAD_PARAM | 0x67A6F2 | slrg doesnt support write;
BAD_PARAM | 0x0F0E35 | ppamp doesnt support write;
BAD_PKT | 0x4A22F | access reg MAD with specified register id not supported
BAD_PKT | 0x16C592 | mad_ifc: process_smp_lid mkey check failed - silently discarded
INTERNAL_ERR | 0x079233 | set_get_port_info: silently discarded.
BAD_PKT | 0x468496 | mad_ifc: ATTRV_SM_INFO handled by SW
BAD_PKT | 0x071808 | mad_ifc: smp trap repress silently discarded after processing.