I’ll note down my steps to get ggplotnim
to work on Windows starting
from a default Windows 10 installation without any development tools.
For me the first steps to get set up my development environment is to:
- install
- install
and clone my settings - and then set up additional tools, in this case
Since I don’t want to use tools like msys2 or similar, I decided to install plain git from git’s website:
Just run the installer and allow it to add git
to the Windows PATH,
so that we can use it from PowerShell.
After installation we can verify that it was added to PATH manually:
- Windows key
- path
- “edit system environment variables”
- “Environment Variables” in the bottom right corner
- check “System variables” (bottom window)
- click on “Path”
and there should be a new line, by default:
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd
Launching PowerShell we can verify that it indeed works.
Again I don’t use any third party software to install emacs
, but go
straight to the emacs page of GNU:
and download the current version from the linked FTP:
(download the signature and check it!)
Once installed, we have to add emacs
to the Windows PATH manually
(which is why I explained above where the PATH can be changed).
Instead of adding to the system PATH, I only added to my user’s PATH (top window in the “Environment Variables” window from above). Just add a new field for the PATH variable with the path to where you extracted the emacs archive.
With git
and emacs
working, it’s time for me to download my
configuration. Launch a PowerShell:
cd ~/Documents/config/
git clone https://github.com/vindaar/emacs.d
Once that is done we have to copy the contents to the location where emacs expects the files.
To avoid having to figure out where the emacs configuration is
supposed to be on Windows, I just launch emacs and then open an
(M-x eshell).
In eshell
cd ~
# should point to c:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming
cp -r c:/Users/<UserName>/Documents/config/emacs.d/* .emacs.d/
Note that you can’t use ~/Documents
here, since
is not considered the home directory by emacs
Once done, close and relaunch emacs
(you could just load the new
config, but well). Installation should only take a minute.
Our next step should be to install Nim.
We just download the current release manually from Nim’s website:
(Manual installation)
Download and put somewhere you want Nim to live, in my case:
<a href=”c:/Users//Documents/src/nim-1.0.6/”>c:/Users/<UserName>/Documents/src/nim-1.0.6/
And as Araq always says ( ;) ), don’t forget to run that finish.exe
in the root of the Nim directory. It will add Nim and Nimble to the
PATH and also install mingw64
Once the installation of mingw64
is done, launch another PowerShell
to see if Nim is found:
nim --version
Nim Compiler Version 1.0.6 [Windows: amd64] Compiled at 2020-01-23 Copyright (c) 2006-2019 by Andreas Rumpf git hash: 89b39ee8fe271d0e1b75c15a4c6cf82eb9c13aea active boot switches: -d:release
should work.
Now we use Nimble to install ggplotnim
and its dependencies. In
nimble install ggplotnim
However, in order to properly test the package and since I obviously
work / test on ggplotnim
, I’ll actually clone the git repository and
link that repository to Nimble via nimble develop
cd ~/Documents/src/
git clone https://github.com/vindaar/ggplotnim
cd ggplotnim
nimble develop
Once done, let’s see what happens when we compile and run one of the recipes:
cd ggplotnim
nim c -r recipes/rSimpleLinePlot.nim
And, uhm, I’m rather surprised to see that it both compiled and ran successfully.
I was actually expecting to see something along the lines of:
could not load libcairo-2.dll
or something.
Let’s try a different example in which we save as a PDF. Create the
following file in the playground
directory in the ggplotnim
import ggplotnim
let df = toDf(readCsv("data/mpg.csv"))
ggplot(df, aes("hwy", "cyl")) +
geom_point() +
Also works.
I figured it out…
The “issue” (read: solution) is that by installing emacs
and adding
its bin
directory to my PATH, I provide required dependencies.
Since emacs
on Windows is built on top of GTK (cairo
is a GTK
dependency) I installed cairo properly without realizing it.
So, to figure out the depencies that are actually required for users
who don’t use emacs
(which is certainly the majority of people who
want to use ggplotnim
on Windows, I imagine), let’s go over how to
install it properly.
Before I do this, I remove the emacs
bin directory from my
PATH. Once done, I do indeed get the following error running the code
Hint: C:\Users\basti\Documents\src\ggplotnim\playground\testPdf.exe [Exec]
could not load: libcairo-2.dll
Error: execution of an external program failed: 'C:\Users\basti\Documents\src\ggplotnim\playground\testPdf.exe '
According to the cairo
website, the recommended way of installing it
on Windows is to get it as a side effect of installing GTK+, since
is a dependency.
The important part however is the following:
You probably want at least the zlib, cairo, and libpng run-time archives (you can search on those strings to find them in the page). That should be it. Just pop libcairo-2.dll, libpng13.dll and zlib1.dll into your working directory or system PATH, and away you go!
which tells us which libraries we will actually need.
Nim already ships:
So for zlib we should be good. Maybe we need a different libpng
version though.
Unfortunately, the GTK+ website is offline right now, but people on stack exchange say the prebuilt GTK version for Windows is outdated anyways.
Maybe we should simply use msys2 to install gtk+ after all…
So do that, but we only use it to get access to the required DLLs. We will copy those to some sane place, which we add to PATH.
Once installed, run
pacman -Syu
and then I’m explicitly told to kill the window (wtf?) and do it again. Once the second round is done, install gtk:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3
Given the installation size of 500 MB it’s probably faster and easier to just download emacs for Windows even if you don’t use it sigh.
Once that is done, take a look into:
cd C:\msys64\mingw64\bin
it will contain the libcairo-2.dll
Originally I wanted to just extract the DLLs that are required, but
well. Let’s say it’s more than the cairo website makes us
believe. libpng
and libcairo
alone are not sufficient. So instead
let’s add the above directory to Windows’ PATH after all.
Once that is done the ggplotnim samples should compile just fine, i.e. there is no need to copy any DLLs next to the binaries.
Hi, I was able to find the complete list of dll needed for libcairo, see details in this gist: https://gist.github.com/pietroppeter/80266c634b22b3861273089dab3e1af2
I also added a link to a google drive public rar file containing all dlls, which I report also here for convenience:
Using the above the simplified instruction to have ggplotnim work on windows can be: download the rar and extract it in