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Forked from salcode/.gitignore
Created April 18, 2019 19:27
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Please see for the canonical version of this WordPress .gitignore file. Note: I do not receive notifications for comments here (because GitHub does not send notifications on Gists)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# .gitignore for WordPress @salcode
# ver 20180808
# From the root of your project run
# curl -O
# to download this file
# By default all files are ignored. You'll need to whitelist
# any mu-plugins, plugins, or themes you want to include in the repo.
# To ignore uncommitted changes in a file that is already tracked, use
# git update-index --assume-unchanged
# To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use
# git rm --cached
# Change Log:
# 20180808 unignore site.webmanifest
# 20180714 unignore .phpcs.xml.dist
# 20160309 Added favicon files as whitelisted files
# 20150302 Added composer.json as a whitelisted file
# 20150227 Created as fork of,
# this version ignores all files by default
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# ignore everything in the root except the "wp-content" directory.
# ignore everything in the "wp-content" directory, except:
# mu-plugins, plugins, and themes directories
# ignore all mu-plugins, plugins, and themes
# unless explicitly whitelisted at the end of this file
# ignore all files starting with . or ~
# ignore node dependency directories (used by grunt)
# ignore OS generated files
# ignore Editor files
# ignore log files and databases
# ignore compiled files
# ignore packaged files
# -------------------------
# BEGIN Whitelisted Files
# -------------------------
# track these files, if they exist
# track favicon files, if they exist
# track these mu-plugins, plugins, and themes
# add your own entries here
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