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Coding as usual

Cybervitexus Vitexus

Coding as usual
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Vitexus /
Created November 19, 2021 22:12
Deb Repository with aptly
export TERM
BACKPORTS=" composer freight "
strstr() {
[ "${1#*$2*}" = "$1" ] && return 1
return 0
Vitexus /
Created November 12, 2021 12:56
Add Package to repository
export TERM
BACKPORTS=" composer freight "
strstr() {
[ "${1#*$2*}" = "$1" ] && return 1
return 0
Vitexus / FixFlexiBeeFIOCaptions.php
Created March 11, 2019 18:23
Update short ABO Captions to orignal full length
define('EASE_LOGGER', 'console|syslog|email');
define('EASE_APPNAME', 'FioCaptions');
$inc = 'includes/Init.php';
if (!file_exists($inc)) {
require_once $inc;
Vitexus / dockertool.php
Created July 25, 2018 06:47
Run Chosen docker images as named container
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Amp\Loop;
use Docker\Docker;
use Docker\DockerClientFactory;
use Docker\API\Model\ContainersCreatePostBody;
* @author Vítězslav Dvořák <[email protected]>
* Thanks to
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
$coder = new \FlexiPeeHP\FlexiBeeRW(null, ['evidence' => 'stat','offline'=>'true']);
Vitexus / flexibee-countries-translations.json
Last active June 12, 2018 22:06
Import this file into your FlexiBee to use country names with English, Deutch or French language
"winstrom": {
"@version": "1.0",
"stat": [
"id": "code:AW",
"nazev": "Aruba",
"nazevA": "Aruba",
"nazevB": "Aruba",
"nazevC": "Aruba",
Vitexus / blockchain-table.php
Created April 7, 2018 13:20
BlockChain LIKE MySQL Table using PHP Phinx
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class UserLog extends AbstractMigration
public $tableName = 'user_log';
public function up()
define('EASE_LOGGER', 'console|syslog');
define('EASE_APPNAME', 'FioCaptions');
require_once 'config.php'; //SetUp FlexiBee and Fio constatnts
$banker = new \FlexiPeeHP\Banka();
$downloader = new \FioApi\Downloader(constant('FIO_RO_TOKEN'));
try {
Vitexus / flexibee-evidencies.sql
Created November 18, 2017 01:20
SQL Queries For Each FlexiBee evidence
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
############################################ analyza-nakupu ###########################################################
/* centralServer LOG*/ select hodnota from cssetting where klic = $1
/* centralServer DETAIL*/ parameters: $1 = 'ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN'
/* centralServer LOG*/ select a.attname from pg_class c join pg_attribute a on a.attrelid = c.oid join pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid where relname = 'csuzivatel' and a.attnum > 0 and not a.attisdropped order by a.attnum
/* centralServer LOG*/ SELECT max(dbversion) FROM dbversion WHERE needreimport = 't'
/* centralServer LOG*/ select u.idcsuzivatel, u.jmeno, u.create_company, u.manage_all, u.create_user, u.change_password, u.delete_company, u.grant_permission, u.license_mgmt, u.deleted, u.blocked, u.blocked_text, u.create_dt, u.idcsskupina, u.sso_identifier, u.dbusername, u.default_role, u.given_name, u.family_name,,, u.system_user, u.last_dt, u.user_type from csuzivatel u where lower(u.jmeno) = lower($1) and not u.delet
Vitexus / Vagrantfile
Created May 4, 2017 16:28
Instant Redmine Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# 1) Create an directory
# 2) Put this Vagrantfile and your Redmine (EasyRedmine/EasyProject) zip Archive into
# 3) vagrant up
# 4) wait for provision to be done
# 5) run command: sudo -H -u easy bash -c ..
# 6) reboot the vagrant virtual machine
# 7) see application in action on http://localhost:8080