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Created August 17, 2016 09:34
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Chrome dino-ai (
(defpackage #:dino-ai
(:use #:common-lisp #:cl-autogui)
(:export #:dino-jump))
(in-package #:dino-ai)
(defvar *space-key* 65)
;; game over text position (position of 'G' and 'R')
(defvar *game-over-poses* '((385 175) (575 173)))
;; the position of the head of dino
(defvar *dino-head-x* 250)
(defvar *dino-head-y* 220)
;; Position to test background color
(defvar *bg-test-x* 190)
(defvar *bg-test-y* 150)
(defvar *day-bgcolor* '(247 247 247 255))
(defvar *block-color-white* '(172 172 172 255))
(defvar *block-color-black* '(83 83 83 255))
(defun block-color ()
"Check it's day or night, return the correct color of dino (and same as blocks)"
(if (x-snapsearch *day-bgcolor* :x *bg-test-x* :y *bg-test-y* :width 1 :height 1)
(defun game-over? ()
(every #'consp
#'(lambda (pos)
(x-snapsearch (block-color)
:x (car pos)
:y (cadr pos)
:width 1 :height 1))
(defun find-block (&key default)
(or (x-snapsearch (block-color)
:x *dino-head-x*
:y *dino-head-y*
:width 500
:height 35)
(defun dino-jump ()
(x-press *space-key*))
(defparameter *last-block-speed* 0)
(defparameter *last-block-x* 0)
(defun dino-play ()
;; move to dino and click
(x-click :x *bg-test-x* :y *bg-test-y*)
(when (game-over?) (dino-jump))
(sleep 1)
(when (game-over?) (return))
(let ((block-distance (- (car (find-block :default '(9999))) *dino-head-x*)))
(sleep 0.2)
(format t "DIS: ~S~%" block-distance)
(when (< block-distance 200)
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