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Last active August 22, 2016 03:54
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Chrome dino-ai(in-progress)
(defpackage #:dino-ai
(:use #:common-lisp #:cl-autogui)
(:export #:dino-jump
(in-package #:dino-ai)
(defvar *f5-key* 71)
(defvar *space-key* 65)
(defvar *down-key* 116)
(defparameter *scan-interval* 1/60)
;; game over text position (position of 'G' and 'R')
(defvar *game-over-points* '((385 175) (480 220) (575 173)))
;; dino on the ground
(defvar *dino-stand-points* '((207 238) (242 223)))
;; dino get-down
(defvar *dino-down-points* '((209 240) (262 243)))
;; the block search squre (x y weight height)
(defvar *block-search-squre* '(265 220 500 35))
;; Position to click (focus the game)
(defvar *mouse-focus-point* '(190 150))
;; the y of middle flying bird
(defvar *middle-bird-y* 220)
(defun first-pixel->color (snap-data)
#'(lambda (data) (mapcar
#'(lambda (i) (aref data 0 0 i))
'(0 1 2 3)))
(defun points-exists? (points
&key color (test #'(lambda (a b) (not (equal a b)))))
(let* ((all-points
(if color
(push '(50 150) points)))
(apply #'x-getcolor all-points))
(base-color (or color (pop all-colors)))
(other-colors all-colors))
(every #'identity (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (funcall test base-color c)) other-colors))))
(defun game-over? ()
(points-exists? *game-over-points*))
(defun find-block ()
"find properties of the first block in front of dino, (x y)"
(let* ((x (first *block-search-squre*))
(y (second *block-search-squre*))
(w (third *block-search-squre*))
(h (fourth *block-search-squre*))
(snap-data (x-snapshot :x x :y y :width w :height h))
(first-color (first-pixel->color snap-data)))
(x-snapsearch first-color :x x :y y :width w :height h
:test #'(lambda (a b) (not (equal a b)))
:snap-data snap-data)))
(defun dino-jump ()
;;(format t "Jump?~%")
(let ((stand? (points-exists? *dino-stand-points*))
(down? (points-exists? *dino-down-points*)))
(if (or stand? down?) ; only jump if dino is on the ground.
(progn (x-key-up *down-key*)
(x-press *space-key*)
(sleep 0.1)); let the dino fly~
;;(format t "NO JUMP, tg: ~S stand:~S down:~S ~%" time-gap stand? down?)
(defun dino-down ()
(when (points-exists? *dino-stand-points*) ; only get-down if dino is on the ground.
(x-key-down *down-key*)))
(defparameter *distance-stack* nil)
(defun dino-restart ()
;; move to dino and click
(setf *distance-stack* nil)
(x-click :x (car *mouse-focus-point*) :y (cadr *mouse-focus-point*))
(sleep 1)
(x-press *f5-key*)
(sleep 1)
(x-press *space-key*)
;; move away, annoying mouse
(x-move (- (car *mouse-focus-point*) 150) (cadr *mouse-focus-point*)))
(defun find-gap (predicate lst &key (test #'>))
(if (or
(null lst)
(null (cdr lst))
(not (funcall predicate (car lst)))
(not (funcall predicate (cadr lst))))
(if (funcall test (car lst) (cadr lst))
(1+ (find-gap predicate (cdr lst) :test test)))))
(defun chunk-list (predicate lst &key (test #'>))
(labels ((rec (lst acc)
(let* ((n (find-gap predicate lst :test test))
(rest (when (not (equal -1 n)) (nthcdr n lst))))
(if (and (consp rest) (not (zerop n)))
(rec rest (cons (subseq lst 0 n) acc))
(nreverse (cons lst acc))))))
(if lst (rec lst nil) nil)))
(defun map-a/b (fn lst)
(if (cdr lst)
(cons (funcall fn (car lst) (cadr lst))
(when (cddr lst) (map-a/b fn (cdr lst))))
;; (mapcar #'(lambda (dists) (round (/ (apply #'+ dists) (length dists)))) (chunk-list *distance-stack*))
(defun avg-speed ()
"px per second"
(when (< (length *distance-stack*) 2) (return-from avg-speed 1))
;; cut *distance-stack*, only save recent 100 values, for memory good.
(when (> (length *distance-stack*) 1000)
(setf *distance-stack* (subseq *distance-stack* 0 1000)))
(let ((block-dist-group (chunk-list #'numberp *distance-stack*)))
;;(format t "Dist-Group-Sizes: ~S ~%" (mapcar #'length dist-group))
(labels ((cal-avg (lst)
(if (> (length lst) 0)
(/ (apply #'+ lst) (length lst))
(cal-speed (dist-list)
(cal-avg (map-a/b
#'(lambda (a b) (/ (- b a) *scan-interval*))
(mapcar #'cal-speed block-dist-group))))))
(defun cal-jump-distance (&key (speed (avg-speed)))
(format t "SPEED: ~S~%" speed)
(round (* 90 (expt (/ speed 400) 1))))
(defun jump? (distance speed)
(when (and (numberp distance) (numberp speed) (not (zerop speed)))
(<= (/ distance speed) 0.1)))
(defun dino-play ()
(when (game-over?) (return))
(let* ((block-position (find-block))
(block-distance (when block-position
(- (car block-position) (first *block-search-squre*))))
(block-y (cadr block-position))
(speed (avg-speed))
(should-jump (jump? block-distance speed)))
(when block-distance (push block-distance *distance-stack*))
(format t "DS: ~S SJ: ~S SPD: ~S BY: ~S~%" block-distance should-jump speed block-y)
((null block-position) nil)
((= 220 block-y) (dino-down))
((= block-distance 0) nil)
(should-jump (dino-jump))))
(sleep *scan-interval*)))
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