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Last active April 9, 2023 16:09
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JS Random range visualizer
This script is useful when you want to check equality of random results.
Run testingRandom with function and limit of checks
More checks = more accurate
Example: testingRandom(() => Math.random().toFixed(1), 10000)
0.0 *********
0.1 *******************
0.2 *******************
0.3 ******************
0.4 ********************
0.5 *******************
0.6 *******************
0.7 ******************
0.8 *******************
0.9 *******************
1.0 *********
function testingRandom(func, limitChecks = 10000) {
let objSrc = {}
for (let i = 0; i < limitChecks; i++){
let res = func()
let count = objSrc[res]
if(count === undefined)
count = 0
objSrc[res] = count+1
let ordered = Object.keys(objSrc).sort().reduce(
(obj, key) => {
obj[key] = objSrc[key];
return obj
let visual = ""
let maxOfValues = Math.max(...Object.values(ordered))
let stringOfSymbols = '********************'
let maxSymbols = stringOfSymbols.length
for(let [k, v] of Object.entries(ordered)) {
let timesOfSymbol = (v*maxSymbols)/maxOfValues
visual+=k+' '+stringOfSymbols.substring(0,timesOfSymbol)+' ('+(v/limitChecks*100)+'%)\n'
return ordered
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