This entire process can be circumvented by installing a graphical variant of Arch like Manjaro or Antergos.
DL ISO, Burn/Mount, option "Boot Arch Linux (x86_64)":
`ping -c 3` | Or `wifi-menu`
`fdisk -l`
`cfdisk /dev/sda`
-> DOS | If it asks which format.
Delete all partitions (assumedly), sda1 for root, sda2 for swap.
-> New > total space minus swap (x-1G) > primary > Bootable
-> New > 1G (half of RAM) > primary > Type > Linux Swap
-> Write > "yes" > Quit
`mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1` | Formats root partition.
`mount /dev/sda1 /mnt`
`mkswap /dev/sda2`
`swapon /dev/sda2`
`pacstrap /mnt base base-devel` | This takes a while.
If that fails because of old install ISO, $ pacman-key --refresh-keys
`arch-chroot /mnt`
`passwd` | Enter what you want your root pass to be.
`nano /etc/locale.gen` | Uncomment both en_US, then Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X
`cd /usr/share/zoneinfo/US`
`ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific /etc/localtime`
`hwclock --systohc --utc` | Generates /etc/adjtime
`echo INSERT_BOX_NAME_HERE > /etc/hostname`
Next two are for network stuff.
`sudo pacman -S wireless_tools wpa_supplicant wpa_actiond dialog`
`systemctl enable [email protected]` | Only if you need dynamic IP.
Enable a bios replacement and mount.
`sudo pacman -S grub-bios`
`grub-install /dev/sda`
`mkinitcpio -p linux` | initramfs (for grub?)
`grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg` | Generates a grub config.
`exit` | Brings you back to ISO.
`genfstab /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab`
`umount /mnt`
`wifi-menu` | Select your network.
`ping -c 3` | To make sure it's connected.
`nano /etc/pacman.conf` | This will allow both 32 and 64-bit programs.
-> uncomment [multilib] and Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-> Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X | To save and close.
`sudo pacman -Sy` | Refreshes repository list.
Create a new user with group permissions:
`useradd -m -g users -G wheel,storage,power,network -s /bin/bash NEW.USER.NAME`
`passwd NEW.USER.NAME`
`sudo pacman -S sudo` | Make sure it's up to date.
`nano /etc/sudoers`
-> Uncomment `%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL`
`sudo pacman -S alsa-utils` | Sound drivers
-> Use M to unmute Master and other channels; set dB to 0; ESC when done.
`speaker-test -c 2` | Tests sound now, Ctrl+C to stop.
`sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-iceauth xorg-sessreg xorg-xbacklight xorg-xcmsdb xorg-xgamma xorg-xhost xorg-xinit xorg-xinput xorg-xmodmap xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb xorg-xrefresh xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorgproto mesa`
`lspci -v | less` | Shows you what graphics card you have "VGA compatible controller"; Ctrl+Z
If you were to install nvidia 64bit driver:
`sudo pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils` | lib32-nvidia-utils for 32-bit.
If you need to uninstall wrong drivers:
`sudo pacman -Rns package_name`
`sudo pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics` | Drivers for laptop trackpad.
`sudo pacman -S xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm` | Install default graphical environment.
`startx` | Test graphical environment.
`pkill x` | To end xwindow.
To enable AUR:
`nano /etc/pacman.conf`
-> add lines
`SigLevel = Never`
`Server =$arch`
Update the pacman database: `sudo pacman -Syu`
Install yay: `sudo pacman -S yay`
Supports colored output when you enable Color option in the /etc/pacman.conf file.
Update the yay database: `yay -Syu`
You're done! Additionally, to rice your Archbox:
curl | bash