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Last active August 1, 2020 19:23
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import Foundation
protocol Refreshable {
associatedtype DataType
func refresh(with data: DataType)
protocol AutoRefreshable: AnyObject, Refreshable {
var timer: Timer? { get set }
var dataSource: (() -> DataType)? { get set }
var refreshInterval: Double { get set }
extension AutoRefreshable {
func beginRefreshing() {
guard let dataSource = dataSource else {
print("AutoRefreshable.beginRefreshing failed, dataSource was nil")
if timer != nil {
timer = nil
refresh(with: dataSource())
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(
withTimeInterval: refreshInterval,
repeats: true
) { [weak self] timer in
guard let self = self else {
self.refresh(with: dataSource())
func stopRefreshing() {
timer = nil
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