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Last active December 28, 2024 17:16
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  • Save Vodes/300997ac1473ac2b9d08d62c169a26de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Vodes/300997ac1473ac2b9d08d62c169a26de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create Comparisons for multiple video clips with automatic upscaling and uploading
I do not provide support for this unless its an actual error in the code and not related to your setup.
You'll need:
- Vapoursynth (this was written & tested on R53 with Python 3.9.6)
- pip3 install pathlib anitopy pyperclip requests requests_toolbelt
- (Install to your usual Vapoursynth plugins64 folder)
- (if using ffmpeg) ffmpeg installed & in path
How to use:
- Drop into a folder with the video files you want
- (Recommended) Rename your files to have the typical [Group] Show - EP.mkv naming, since the script will try to parse the group and show name.
e.g. [JPBD] Youjo Senki - 01.m2ts ("fakegroup" for JPBDs so the imagefiles will have JPBD in the name)
- Change vars below (trim if needed)
- Run
### Change these if you need to
# Ram Limit (in MB)
ram_limit = 6000
# Framecounts
frame_count_dark = 8
frame_count_bright = 4
# Automatically upload to
slowpics = True
# Output link to discord webhook (disabled if empty)
webhook_url = r""
# Upscale videos to make the clips match the highest found res
upscale = True
# Use ffmpeg as the image renderer (ffmpeg needs to be in path)
ffmpeg = True
Used to trim clips.
trim_dict = {0: 1000, 1: 1046}
First clip should start at frame 1000
Second clip should start at frame 1046
(Clips are taken in alphabetical order of the filenames)
trim_dict = {}
### Not recommended to change stuff below
import os
import time
import ctypes
import random
import pathlib
import requests
import anitopy as ani
import pyperclip as pc
import vapoursynth as vs
from requests import Session
from functools import partial
from threading import Condition
from concurrent.futures import Future
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, BinaryIO, TextIO, Union, Callable, Type, TypeVar, Sequence, cast
RenderCallback = Callable[[int, vs.VideoFrame], None]
VideoProp = Union[int, Sequence[int],float, Sequence[float],str, Sequence[str],vs.VideoNode, Sequence[vs.VideoNode],vs.VideoFrame, Sequence[vs.VideoFrame],Callable[..., Any], Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]]
T = TypeVar("T", bound=VideoProp)
vs.core.max_cache_size = ram_limit
def lazylist(clip: vs.VideoNode, dark_frames: int = 8, light_frames: int = 4, seed: int = 20202020, diff_thr: int = 15):
Blame Sea for what this shits out
A function for generating a list of frames for comparison purposes.
Works by running `core.std.PlaneStats()` on the input clip,
iterating over all frames, and sorting all frames into 2 lists
based on the PlaneStatsAverage value of the frame.
Randomly picks frames from both lists, 8 from `dark` and 4
from `light` by default.
:param clip: Input clip
:param dark_frame: Number of dark frames
:param light_frame: Number of light frames
:param seed: seed for `random.sample()`
:param diff_thr: Minimum distance between each frames (In seconds)
:return: List of dark and light frames
dark = []
light = []
def checkclip(n, f, clip):
avg = f.props["PlaneStatsAverage"]
if 0.062746 <= avg <= 0.380000:
elif 0.450000 <= avg <= 0.800000:
return clip
s_clip = clip.std.PlaneStats()
eval_frames = vs.core.std.FrameEval(
clip, partial(checkclip, clip=s_clip), prop_src=s_clip
print('Rendering clip to get frames...')
dark_dedupe = [dark[0]]
light_dedupe = [light[0]]
thr = round(clip.fps_num / clip.fps_den * diff_thr)
lastvald = dark[0]
lastvall = light[0]
for i in range(1, len(dark)):
checklist = dark[0:i]
x = dark[i]
for y in checklist:
if x >= y + thr and x >= lastvald + thr:
lastvald = x
for i in range(1, len(light)):
checklist = light[0:i]
x = light[i]
for y in checklist:
if x >= y + thr and x >= lastvall + thr:
lastvall = x
if len(dark_dedupe) > dark_frames:
dark_dedupe = random.sample(dark_dedupe, dark_frames)
if len(light_dedupe) > light_frames:
light_dedupe = random.sample(light_dedupe, light_frames)
return dark_dedupe + light_dedupe
def _get_slowpics_header(content_length: str, content_type: str, sess: Session) -> Dict[str, str]:
Stolen from vardefunc
return {
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"Content-Length": content_length,
"Content-Type": content_type,
"Origin": "",
"Referer": "",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36",
"X-XSRF-TOKEN": sess.cookies.get_dict()["XSRF-TOKEN"]
class RenderContext:
Stolen from lvsfunc
Contains info on the current render operation.
clip: vs.VideoNode
queued: int
frames: Dict[int, vs.VideoFrame]
frames_rendered: int
timecodes: List[float]
condition: Condition
def __init__(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, queued: int) -> None:
self.clip = clip
self.queued = queued
self.frames = {}
self.frames_rendered = 0
self.timecodes = [0.0]
self.condition = Condition()
def get_prop(frame: vs.VideoFrame, key: str, t: Type[T]) -> T:
Stolen from lvsfunc
Gets FrameProp ``prop`` from frame ``frame`` with expected type ``t``
to satisfy the type checker.
:param frame: Frame containing props
:param key: Prop to get
:param t: Type of prop
:return: frame.prop[key]
prop = frame.props[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"get_prop: 'Key {key} not present in props'")
if not isinstance(prop, t):
raise ValueError(f"get_prop: 'Key {key} did not contain expected type: Expected {t} got {type(prop)}'")
return prop
def clip_async_render(clip: vs.VideoNode,
outfile: Optional[BinaryIO] = None,
timecodes: Optional[TextIO] = None,
progress: Optional[str] = "Rendering clip...",
callback: Union[RenderCallback, List[RenderCallback], None] = None) -> List[float]:
Stolen from lvsfunc
Render a clip by requesting frames asynchronously using clip.get_frame_async,
providing for callback with frame number and frame object.
This is mostly a re-implementation of VideoNode.output, but a little bit slower since it's pure python.
You only really need this when you want to render a clip while operating on each frame in order
or you want timecodes without using vspipe.
:param clip: Clip to render.
:param outfile: Y4MPEG render output BinaryIO handle. If None, no Y4M output is performed.
Use ``sys.stdout.buffer`` for stdout. (Default: None)
:param timecodes: Timecode v2 file TextIO handle. If None, timecodes will not be written.
:param progress: String to use for render progress display.
If empty or ``None``, no progress display.
:param callback: Single or list of callbacks to be preformed. The callbacks are called
when each sequential frame is output, not when each frame is done.
Must have signature ``Callable[[int, vs.VideoNode], None]``
See :py:func:`lvsfunc.comparison.diff` for a use case (Default: None).
:return: List of timecodes from rendered clip.
cbl = [] if callback is None else callback if isinstance(callback, list) else [callback]
ctx = RenderContext(clip, vs.core.num_threads)
bad_timecodes: bool = False
def cb(f: Future[vs.VideoFrame], n: int) -> None:
ctx.frames[n] = f.result()
nn = ctx.queued
while ctx.frames_rendered in ctx.frames:
nonlocal timecodes
nonlocal bad_timecodes
frame = ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]
# if a frame is missing timing info, clear timecodes because they're worthless
if ("_DurationNum" not in frame.props or "_DurationDen" not in frame.props) and not bad_timecodes:
bad_timecodes = True
if timecodes:
timecodes = None
ctx.timecodes = []
print("clip_async_render: frame missing duration information, discarding timecodes")
elif not bad_timecodes:
+ get_prop(frame, "_DurationNum", int)
/ get_prop(frame, "_DurationDen", int))
finish_frame(outfile, timecodes, ctx)
[cb(ctx.frames_rendered, ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]) for cb in cbl]
del ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered] # tfw no infinite memory
ctx.frames_rendered += 1
# enqueue a new frame
if nn < clip.num_frames:
ctx.queued += 1
cbp = partial(cb, n=nn)
clip.get_frame_async(nn).add_done_callback(cbp) # type: ignore
if outfile:
if clip.format is None:
raise ValueError("clip_async_render: 'Cannot render a variable format clip to y4m!'")
if clip.format.color_family not in (vs.YUV, vs.GRAY):
raise ValueError("clip_async_render: 'Can only render YUV and GRAY clips to y4m!'")
if clip.format.color_family == vs.GRAY:
y4mformat = "mono"
ss = (clip.format.subsampling_w, clip.format.subsampling_h)
if ss == (1, 1):
y4mformat = "420"
elif ss == (1, 0):
y4mformat = "422"
elif ss == (0, 0):
y4mformat = "444"
elif ss == (2, 2):
y4mformat = "410"
elif ss == (2, 0):
y4mformat = "411"
elif ss == (0, 1):
y4mformat = "440"
raise ValueError("clip_async_render: 'What have you done'")
y4mformat = f"{y4mformat}p{clip.format.bits_per_sample}" if clip.format.bits_per_sample > 8 else y4mformat
header = f"YUV4MPEG2 C{y4mformat} W{clip.width} H{clip.height} " \
f"F{clip.fps.numerator}:{clip.fps.denominator} Ip A0:0\n"
if timecodes:
timecodes.write("# timestamp format v2\n")
# seed threads
for n in range(min(clip.num_frames, vs.core.num_threads)):
cbp = partial(cb, n=n) # lambda won't bind the int immediately
clip.get_frame_async(n).add_done_callback(cbp) # type: ignore
while ctx.frames_rendered != clip.num_frames:
return ctx.timecodes # might as well
def finish_frame(outfile: Optional[BinaryIO], timecodes: Optional[TextIO], ctx: RenderContext) -> None:
Stolen from lvsfunc
Output a frame.
:param outfile: Output IO handle for Y4MPEG
:param timecodes: Output IO handle for timecodesv2
:param ctx: Rendering context
if timecodes:
if outfile is None:
f: vs.VideoFrame = ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]
for i, p in enumerate(f.planes()):
if f.get_stride(i) != p.width * f.format.bytes_per_sample:
outfile.write(bytes(p)) # type: ignore
outfile.write(p) # type: ignore
def screengen(
clip: vs.VideoNode,
folder: str,
suffix: str,
frame_numbers: List = None,
start: int = 1):
Stoled from Sea
Mod of Narkyy's screenshot generator, stolen from awsmfunc.
Generates screenshots from a list of frames.
Not specifying `frame_numbers` will use `ssfunc.util.lazylist()` to generate a list of frames.
:param folder: Name of folder where screenshots are saved.
:param suffix: Name prepended to screenshots (usually group name).
:param frame_numbers: List of frames. Either a list or an external file.
:param start: Frame to start from.
:param delim: Delimiter for the external file.
> Usage: ScreenGen(src, "Screenshots", "a")
ScreenGen(enc, "Screenshots", "b")
folder_path = "./{name}".format(name=folder)
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
for i, num in enumerate(frame_numbers, start=start):
filename = "{path}/{:03d} - {suffix}.png".format(
i, path=folder_path, suffix=suffix
matrix = clip.get_frame(0).props._Matrix
if matrix == 2:
matrix = 1
print(f"Saving Frame {i}/{len(frame_numbers)} from {suffix}", end="\r")
format=vs.RGB24, matrix_in=matrix, dither_type="error_diffusion"
def get_highest_res(files: List[str]) -> int:
height = 0
for f in files:
video = vs.core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(f)
if height < video.height:
height = video.height
return height
def get_frames(clip: vs.VideoNode, frames: List[int]) -> vs.VideoNode:
out = clip[frames[0]]
for i in frames[1:]:
out += clip[i]
return out
def actual_script():
files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.mkv') or f.endswith('.m2ts') or f.endswith('.mp4')])
if len(files) < 2:
print("Not enough video files found.")
print('Files found: ')
for f in files:
if trim_dict.get(files.index(f)) is not None:
print(f + f" (Will be trimmed to start at frame {trim_dict.get(files.index(f))})")
dict = ani.parse(files[0])
collection_name = dict.get('anime_title') if dict.get('anime_title') is not None else dict.get('episode_title')
first = vs.core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(files[0])
if trim_dict.get(0) is not None:
first = first[trim_dict.get(0):]
frames = lazylist(first, frame_count_dark, frame_count_bright)
if upscale:
max_height = get_highest_res(files)
for file in files:
dict = ani.parse(file)
suffix = ""
if dict.get('release_group') is not None:
suffix = str(dict.get('release_group')).replace("[\\/:\"*?<>|]+", "")
if not suffix:
suffix = file.replace("[\\/:\"*?<>|]+", "")
print(f"Generating screens for {file}")
clip = vs.core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(file)
index = files.index(file)
if trim_dict.get(index) is not None:
clip = clip[trim_dict.get(index):]
if upscale and clip.height < max_height:
clip = vs.core.resize.Spline36(clip, clip.width * (max_height / clip.height), max_height)
if ffmpeg:
import subprocess
matrix = clip.get_frame(0).props._Matrix
if matrix == 2:
matrix = 1
clip = clip.resize.Bicubic(format=vs.RGB24, matrix_in=matrix, dither_type="error_diffusion")
clip = get_frames(clip, frames)
clip = clip.std.ShufflePlanes([1, 2, 0], vs.RGB).std.AssumeFPS(fpsnum=1, fpsden=1)
if not os.path.isdir("./screens"):
path_images = [
"{path}/{:03d} - {suffix}.png".format(frames.index(f) + 1, path="./screens", suffix=suffix)
for f in frames
for i, path_image in enumerate(path_images):
ffmpeg_line = f"ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -loglevel error -f rawvideo -video_size {clip.width}x{clip.height} -pixel_format gbrp -framerate {str(clip.fps)} -i pipe: -pred mixed -ss {i} -t 1 \"{path_image}\""
with subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_line, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) as process:
clip.output(cast(BinaryIO, process.stdin), y4m=False)
screengen(clip, "screens", suffix, frames)
if slowpics:
fields: Dict[str, Any] = {
'collectionName': collection_name,
'public': 'false',
'optimize-images': 'true'
all_image_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir('./screens/') if f.endswith('.png')])
# Screen Number not dynamic yet so dont care about this being hardcoded
for x in range(frame_count_dark + frame_count_bright):
formatted_num = "{:03d}".format(x + 1)
current_comp = [f for f in all_image_files if f.startswith(formatted_num + " - ")]
print(f"Comp {formatted_num}: {current_comp}")
fields[f'comparisons[{x}].name'] = formatted_num
for imageName in current_comp:
i = current_comp.index(imageName)
image = pathlib.Path(f'./screens/{imageName}')
fields[f'comparisons[{x}].images[{i}].name'] =' - ', 1)[1]
fields[f'comparisons[{x}].images[{i}].file'] = (, image.read_bytes(), 'image/png')
sess = Session()
# TODO: yeet this
files = MultipartEncoder(fields)
print('\nUploading images...')
url =
'', data=files.to_string(),
headers=_get_slowpics_header(str(files.len), files.content_type, sess)
slowpics_url = f'{url.text}'
print(f'Slowpics url: {slowpics_url}')
if webhook_url:
data = {"content": slowpics_url}
if, data).status_code < 300:
print('Posted to webhook.')
print('Failed to post on webhook!')
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