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Disclaimer: This guide is inspired by and is based on the original work of namlaE. Most of the content and structure follows their work.

Hypixel SkyBlock Stranded Mode Guide


Stranded is a unique mode within Hypixel SkyBlock in which the players are secluded on their private island. Progression relies heavily on resource management, mob farming, and strategic planning. for now, this guide is focused on Earlygame strategies

since I have to rely on Other people's Information to make It As efficient and In-depth as possible. This section will be expanded into further phases in The Future When either i get more info or i become better at stranded



The earlygame focuses on:

  • Establishing basic resources.
  • Unlocking essential collections.
  • Setting up your first minions.


1. Bridging to Jerry's Island

  • Bridge to Jerry's Island using dirt or cobblestone.
  • get the chest in the cave for:
    • Lava bucket.
    • Water Bucket.
    • Starting materials.
  • Set up a Cobblestone Generator and start mining cobble, or use the cobble minion.

2. Passive and Hostile Mob Farming

  • Passive Mobs:
    • Allow Animals to spawn on grassy areas of your starting island.
    • Collect drops, such As Leather or wool, to craft minions.
    • Place trees to get wood collection for minion upgrades.
  • hostile mobs:
    • When Night falls, Go Back to your main island and let mobs spawn.
    • Focus on:
      • Gather The Ender Pearls to Create An End Sword at 35 Base Damage.
      • Farm String for making a Fishing Rod.
      • Mob farming in General Provides Items such as bones and All the Other great Drops used on minions.

3. Fishing and Farming

  • Create a Fishing Rod and start advancing in the Fishing Collection:
    • Acquire the Fish Minion and Prismarine Blade.
  • Farm wheat by using seeds from grass blocks to get the Wheat Minion.
  • Continue on to crops such As potatoes and carrots dropped by zombies.

4. Setting Up Minions

  • Wood Minion:

    • Place an Auto Smelter in the minion to obtain Coal Collection.
      • (1 coal spawns on your island). At Skyblock Level 5, Items will be auto picked up so there is no chance to lose in into the void at this point
    • Use coal for smelting and crafting of the Coal Minion.
    • you can also burn wood in the furnace for charcoal
    • trades also lets u turn wood into 2 coal
  • Fishing Minion:

    • fish until you have the resources to make 4 fishing minions
      • Place at least four Tier 1 Fishing Minions to passively Collect Resources.
    • the wood collection unlocks storages so use them when unlocked
    • the collections you want are clownfish 2 (water bucket) prismarine 1 (sea lantern hat) fish 5 (angler armor (optional)) and prismarine shard 2 (prismarine blade)
  • Banker 0 cost

    • sell items in trade menu til u get 1000 then summon banker then rebuy them for same cost as u sold them for
  • Magma Cream Collection:

    • Create A slime spawn platform below Y=30.
    • Use lava to convert slimes into magma cubes and grant Access to the Nether Biome Stick.

5. Wood and foraging along with some crops

  • as you get enchanted wood you can use these in the trade menu for saplings of the next tree
  • jungle tree will unlock cocoa beans
  • dark oak unlocks a few things listed below
    • unlocks roofed forest island which unlock mushrooms its 15 dark oak and 30 dirt (can turn seeds into dirt)
    • also unlocks roofed forest biome stick which increases witch spawn rates

6. Gravel and explosions and other stuff

  • creepers used to blow up blocks but this is no longer the case
  • use gunpowder from creepers and sand from desert island to blow up cobble to unlock gravel collection
  • a sea lantern hat can be placed in a zombie minion for lapis zombies which will give lapis collection
  • craft your prismarine blade and any armour from rosetta depending on you combat level if you can afford it
  • otherwise craft angler armour as its very powerful early game
  • unlock pumpkin collection either from garden (enchanted pumpkin from pests planted in pumpkin plot) or from spooky festival
  • enchanted charcoal is a great minion fuel
  • from elizabeth unlock first tier of coin collection
  • oh before i forget make magma cube minions to get magma cream faster
    • will need nether biome stick and lava trade so keep em for a while

7. Hell chaos and redstone

  • once you obtain nether biome stick do one of two things
    • place it in jerry (will be utter chaos but finished faster)
    • use it to make a area that is nether (slower but much more contained)
  • regardless of what you choose redstone pigmen ghasts blazes and such shall start spawning now
  • get enough redstone for a minion (no need for ghast or blaze minion right now so once done can revert using another biome stick or reset at jerry)

8. Talisman Progression

  • Acquire talismans Like:
    • Vaccine Talisman
    • Farming Talisman
    • Wood Affinity Talisman
    • Candy Talisman
    • Bat Talisman
    • Melody's Hair
    • Potion Affinity Talisman
    • Shark Tooth Necklace
    • Healing Talisman
  • Use reforges to optimize stats.
  • ensure your keeping on top of minion upgrades and collection unlocks

9. Villagers and Trading

  • Cure Zombie Villagers Using a Golden Apple (fishing or gold collection + apple) and A Weakness Potion (either made with nether stuff or from a witch).
  • get the Desert Island trade to have Access to:
    • Sand Collection
    • Cactus Collection
    • Sugar Cane Collection
  • the desert island isnt as needed as it was before since garden pests can drop crops you can paste into plots such as cactus green dye can be used to paste the crop this works for sugar cane too
  • oh and 6 villars start spawning iron golems to unlock iron collection

10. Automating Minions

  • Craft and equip Compactors in resource minions (e.g., Cobblestone, Redstone, Coal).
  • Expand minion slots by crafting unique minions.
  • if you havent already make a glowstone minion from witches as itll give haste 3 (witches has increased spawn in roofed forest biome note NOT island)
  • Redstone and Glowstone Collections
    • Use Redstone to upgrade your Accessory Bag and craft compactors.
    • Farm witches in the Roofed Forest Biome for Glowstone, needed for Brewing Haste III potions.

11. Diamonds!!

  • there are 2 ways to get diamonds celeste wand from rosetta or weather stick for storms (need creepers electrified as charged creepers drop diamonds)
  • use a creeper minion and electrify the lot to get diamonds that way either with weather stick and get lucky or celeste wand 11b Mob Spawning Gone
    • not on diamonds topic but repelling candle is unlocked in acacia collection if you want to spawn proof your whole island

12. Unlocking Pets

  • Focus on pets like:
    • Rabbit
    • Rock
    • Dolphin
    • Jerry
    • Bee
    • Silverfish and/or Pig
  • Unlock Oringo, the Traveling Zoo NPC.
    • you can get a elephant from oringo too (highly reccomended)
  • use whichever pets you like

13. Lava and Enchanting

  • at 5000 magma u unlock lava so can make a enchantment table
  • obsidian unlocks gravity talisman which is nice for damage
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