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Last active October 3, 2018 07:33
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Adds labels to gmail threads if members are in contacts group
// Add Gmail labels by contact group
// [email protected], 2018
// Inspired by
// BTW: see readme in mentioned github repo ^^^
function applyGroupLabels() {
var MY_GROUP_NAME = "My-contact-group-name"; // Change right side of this line to match your contact group
var MY_LABEL_NAME = "My-label-name"; // This as well, insert the Gmail label
var QUERY = 'in:all -in:trash -in:spam'; // This as well, insert the query
var labeledThreads = [];
var emailAddresses = getEmailAddressesFromContactsGroup(MY_GROUP_NAME);
var threads = getAllThreadsByQuery(QUERY);
threads.forEach(function (thread) {
// Main logic here:
emailAddresses.forEach(function (emailAddress) {
var messages = thread.getMessages();
messages.forEach(function (message) {
if (message.getTo().indexOf(emailAddress) > -1) {
} else if (message.getFrom().indexOf(emailAddress) > -1) {
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(MY_LABEL_NAME);
function getEmailAddressesFromContactsGroup(groupName) {
var emailAddresses = [];
var groupContacts = ContactsApp.getContactGroup(groupName).getContacts();
// Collect all email addresses from contact group
groupContacts.forEach(function (contact) {
var contactEmailAddresses = contact.getEmails();
contactEmailAddresses.forEach(function (emailAddress) {
return emailAddresses;
function getAllThreadsByQuery(query) {
var threadLength = 1;
var i = 0;
var allThreads = [];
var threads;
var start;
var step;
while (threadLength) {
if (i === 0) {
threads =;
threadLength = step = threads.length;
allThreads.push.apply(allThreads, threads);
} else {
start = step * i;
threads =, start, step);
threadLength = threads.length;
allThreads.push.apply(allThreads, threads);
return allThreads;
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