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Whiteknight / map.cs
Created May 8, 2015 17:56
Map DataRow to nested object
private CreateItem<T>(DataRow row)
where T : new()
T item = new T();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(T).GetProperties())
MapFromDataRow(row, "", property, item);
return item;
Whiteknight / blog.rb
Created December 12, 2012 23:07
If I run this code as-is, the function returns the list of posts as expected. If I uncomment line #4, the function returns an array of nil, breaking my view.
def posts_in_order
ordered = posts.sort{|x, y| x.number <=> y.number }
dummy = for i in (0..ordered.length) do
#x = ordered[i].number
return ordered
Whiteknight / CurrentSettings.vssettings
Created November 30, 2012 20:58
My most recent vssettings file from work
<UserSettings><ApplicationIdentity version="10.0"/><ToolsOptions><ToolsOptionsCategory name="Environment" RegisteredName="Environment"><ToolsOptionsSubCategory name="Documents" RegisteredName="Documents" PackageName="Visual Studio Environment Package"><PropertyValue name="ShowMiscFilesProject">false</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="AutoloadExternalChanges">false</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="CheckForConsistentLineEndings">false</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="SaveDocsAsUnicodeWhenDataLoss">false</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="InitializeOpenFileFromCurrentDocument">true</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="ReuseSavedActiveDocWindow">false</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="DetectFileChangesOutsideIDE">true</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="DontShowGlobalUndoChangeLossDialog">true</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="AllowEditingReadOnlyFiles">true</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="DocumentDockPreference">1</PropertyValue><PropertyValue name="MiscFilesProjectSavesLastNItems">0</PropertyValu
Whiteknight / orgapp.txt
Created March 23, 2012 18:53
Parrot organization GSOC application (raw)
Organization ID parrot
Organization Name Parrot Foundation
Organization Description The Parrot Foundation supports development of the Parrot Virtual Machine (PVM) and an entire ecosystem of related library and compiler projects.
Organization Home Page URL
Main Organization License Artistic license 2.0
Whiteknight / generated.pir
Created March 22, 2012 15:44
Errors with winxed optional params
.sub 'whatever' :subid('WSubId_2')
.param string __ARG_1 :optional
.param int __opt_flag__ARG_1 :opt_flag
if __opt_flag__ARG_1 goto __label_1
.annotate 'line', 10
$P1 = WSubId_1()
set __ARG_1, $P1
.const 'Sub' WSubId_1 = "WSubId_1"
.annotate 'line', 12
Whiteknight / winxedcc.winxed
Created February 18, 2012 18:26
pure winxed-to-pbc compiler
function get_winxed_compiler(string pbc_name = "winxedst3.pbc")
var wx_pbc = load_packfile(pbc_name);
for (var load_sub in wx_pbc.subs_by_tag("load"))
return compreg("winxed");
function main[main](var args)
Whiteknight / output.txt
Created February 5, 2012 17:14
Optional Args in Winxed
<winxed git:optional_args> ./winxed test.winxed
Whiteknight / gist:1741304
Created February 5, 2012 00:12
Winxed syntax ideas for NotFound
Some ideas for new winxed syntax:
anonymous function foo(...){...} instead of
function foo(var x named 'bar')
same as:
function foo(var x [named("bar")])
foo(x named 'bar')
same as:
<parrot git:master> ./parrot test.pir
test_call_sig: 3.87282800674438s
test_get_context: 3.55188488960266s
<parrot git:master> ./parrot test.pir
test_call_sig: 4.13274502754211s
test_get_context: 3.56804704666138s
<parrot git:master> ./parrot test.pir
test_call_sig: 3.73126316070557s
N = 100000
sort with .sort BUILTIN (reversed)
9.771104s - %100.000000
Number of items out of order: 0
sort with Rosella Query (reversed)
8.664588s - %88.675631 (-%11.324369 compared to base)