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Created December 8, 2017 21:53
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "json"
address = "some key I found when watching support xmr's dashboard call their api. haven't looked into it further"
output = `curl -s '{address}/stats'`
paid = JSON.parse(output)['amtPaid']
due = JSON.parse(output)['amtDue']
total = paid + due
total /= 1_000_000_000_000.0
puts "XMR: #{total}"
monero_to_usd = `curl -s "" | jq '.[] | select(.id == "monero") | .price_usd' | stripcolor | cut -d '"' -f2`.to_f
puts "@ #{monero_to_usd}"
puts "USD: #{total*monero_to_usd}"
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