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Created May 22, 2014 08:02
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A simple tool to query the IP ranges for GCE zones
#!/usr/bin/env perl
SUMMARY: A simple tool to query the IP ranges for GCE zones.
LICENSE: released to public domain.
AUTHOR: William Yeh <[email protected]>
DATE: 2014-05-22
my $DIG_CMD = 'dig txt +short';
my $INITIAL_URL = '';
sub main
sub find_ip_range
my ($url) = @_;
my $cmd = $DIG_CMD . ' ' . $url;
my $dig_output = `$cmd`;
#print STDERR $dig_output;
my @result = extract_include($dig_output);
#print STDERR "@result", "\n";
if (scalar @result > 0) {
foreach my $next_level_url (@result) {
else {
my @ip_values = extract_ip($dig_output);
foreach my $ip (@ip_values) {
print $ip, "\n";
# extract "include:" record
# e.g., "v=spf1 ?all"
sub extract_include
my ($txt) = @_;
my @result = ();
my @records = split(/\s+/, $txt);
foreach my $item (@records) {
if ($item =~ /^include\:([^\s]+)/) {
push(@result, $1);
return @result;
# extract "ip4:" record
# e.g., "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ?all"
sub extract_ip
my ($txt) = @_;
my @result = ();
my @records = split(/\s+/, $txt);
foreach my $item (@records) {
if ($item =~ /^ip4\:([^\s]+)/) {
push(@result, $1);
return @result;
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